Upgrade Cases - Intergraph Smart 3D - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart 3D Upgrading to 14

Intergraph Smart 3D
Upgrade Guide
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version

For version 14 Update 1, the platform requirements have changed for servers and clients. Therefore, you must back up the version 13.1 Smart 3D configuration, and then restore it using a client/server configuration that has the new platform requirements for version 14 Update 1. The same basic workflow will apply for each case listed below. In the course of describing the details of each major step, this document takes into consideration four possible upgrade scenarios, or cases, with each requiring a slightly different workflow. Before beginning the upgrade process, select the case that applies to your situation and follow the workflow for the applicable case.


Figure 1: Upgrade Considerations from Smart 3D 2018 to Smart 3D 14 Update 1


Figure 2: Upgrade Considerations for Smart 3D 2019 to Smart 3D 14 Update 1


Figure 3: Upgrade Considerations from Smart 3D 13 to Smart 3D 14 Update 1


Figure 4: Upgrade Considerations from Smart 3D 13.1 to Smart 3D 14 Update 1

  • Case A. In-place upgrade of entire 13.1 Smart 3D configuration to 14 Update 1 on the same server.

    This case assumes a full transition of the Site and all of its Models from 13.1 to 14 Update 1 on the same server, where the 14 Update 1 software will be installed on the server and client and all databases upgraded in-place.

    If the 13.1 Smart 3D server configuration is different from the 14 database server platform requirements, Case A does not apply to upgrading to version 14 Update 1, and either Case B, C, or D should be used for all version 13.1 upgrades.

  • Case B. Moving (relocating) databases and upgrading them on another server.

    This is common for cases where all Models and Catalogs associated with the Site are moved and upgraded, or when some of the Models are moved to another server and upgraded while others in the Site remain on the 13.1 original server. When Smart 3D configurations from one Site are relocated and upgraded to another server, the SharedContent (Symbols) folder must also be copied and upgraded to the new server or location. This should be the most common procedure used for version 14 Update 1 upgrades due to platform requirement changes.

  • Case C. Restoring archived databases and upgrading them with only 14 Update 1 software.

    This case deals with archived backups of the 13.1 Smart 3D configurations that are restored in a location where 13.1 is not available. In addition to the full database backup, a corresponding backup of the SharedContent (Symbols) folder is required.

  • Case D. Coexistence of 13.1 and 14 Update 1 Smart 3D configurations on the same server.

    This is the most complex case. In general, there can be several Sites on one server, each compatible with a different version of Smart 3D. In these cases, all Catalog and Model databases within one Site must be on the same Smart 3D version with the same database server platform requirement. Smart 3D does not support different versions of Catalogs and Models within one Site database.

    • SQL Database Upgrades from Smart 3D version 13.1

      Smart 3D version 14 Update 1 has new database server platform requirements different than the initial released version of 13.1. In order to have all sites on one server, the latest 13.1 Hot Fix and SQL platform requirements (that are the same as 14 Update 1 platform requirements) must be applied to the server. If the server does not have the latest platform requirements, Case D does not apply to upgrading to version 14 Update 1, and either Case A, B, or C should be used for all version 13.1 upgrades.

      Case D can apply to upgrading from version 13.1 to version 14 Update 1 if the server platform requirements are the same.

    • Oracle Database Upgrades from Smart 3D version 13.1

      Smart 3D version 14 Update 1 has new database server platform requirements different than version 13.1, so one server cannot have version 13.1 sites as well as version 14 Update 1. Therefore, Case D does not apply to upgrading to version 14 Update 1 on Oracle, and either Case B or C should be used for all version 14 Update 1 upgrades.

      Case D can apply to upgrading from version 13.1 to version 14 Update 1 if the server platform requirements are the same.

  • If multiple Smart 3D configurations are replicated in Case D and one or more of them need to be upgraded, you must consolidate the databases being upgraded. For assistance with this process, refer to Consolidate Model from Workshare Command in the 13.1 Global Workshare documentation (Global Workshare Oracle or Global Workshare SQL Server)

  • At the time of original release, Smart 3D 14 Update 1 and prior 2018, 2019, and 13 versions do not share the same platform requirements. Therefore, Smart 3D 14 Update 1 and previous versions of Smart 3D cannot exist on the same server. Smart 3D 14 Update 1 and Smart 3D 13.1 version databases can share the same platform requirements. Therefore, Smart 3D 14 Update 1 and Smart 3D 13.1 can exist on the same server.

  • In all cases, when one SharedContent (Symbols) folder is shared by multiple Smart 3D configurations that will be separated during an upgrade process (some Models are upgraded to 14 Update 1, while others remain on a previous release), the SharedContent (Symbols) folder must be copied and upgraded with the upgraded Smart 3D configurations.

The SharedContent (Symbols) folder cannot be shared by Models using different versions of Smart 3D. Therefore, the upgraded Smart 3D configuration must use its own copy of the SharedContent (Symbols) folder, while the original Symbols or SharedContent folder stays in 13.1.

  • In all cases, ensure that you are pointing to the SharedContent (Symbols) folder for the version to which you will upgrade your model.

  • Your upgrade of the Smart 3D configuration uses the content on your symbol share, and that content must be updated BEFORE migrating the model to the target version.