In order to incorporate the changes made to 13 reports in 14 Update 1, follow these steps.
Copy the modified and/or new report files using the process detailed in Upgrading the SharedContent (Symbols) Share of this document.
Bulkload the Reports.xls workbook in Append mode if using the delivered reports templates or make similar changes to your customized reports workbook and bulkload it.
The Reports.xls workbook can be found in the folder [Product Folder]\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles.
For Marine reports, the SM_Reports.xls workbook can be found in the folder [Product Folder]\ShipCatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\Add_Marine.
For MaterialsHandling reports, the Reports.xls workbook can be found in the folder [Product Folder]\MaterialsHandling\CatalogData\Bulkload\AMD.
See Bulkload Utility for information on how to bulkload files to the Catalog database.