Bulkload Changes to Catalogs - Intergraph Smart 3D - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart 3D Upgrading from 13 to 14 Update 1

Intergraph Smart 3D
Upgrade Guide
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version
  1. To take advantage of enhancements as well as fixes to the data or software incorporated into the reference data workbooks, complete the following steps:

    1. Review the Reference Data Changes.xls workbook, available in the Help folder on the product media. This document summarizes what reference data changes are delivered with Smart 3D 14 Update 1.

      There are no reference data changes between the 14 release and the 14 Update 1 release. For 14 Update 1, we are delivering the Reference Data Changes.xls file from the original 14 release.

    2. Using the 14 Update 1 client workstation open the folder [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\Datafiles, [Product Folder]\ShipCatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles, [Product Folder]\ MaterialsHandling\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles to review the most recent delivered catalog data.

    3. Select the files that correspond to the discipline in which you are interested in.

  2. Decide what reference data changes you want to incorporate into your catalog. Make changes in your company’s project workbooks or create your own set of delta workbooks.

  3. Using the 14 Update 1 client workstation on which the Bulkload Reference Data component is installed, bulkload the edited workbooks to the upgraded Catalog.

    • See Bulkload Utility for more information on how to bulkload files to the Catalog database.

    • It is not recommended to use the Delete and Replace mode.

    • Add, Modify, Delete is the preferred bulkload option.

  4. In a Global Workshare configuration after Bulkloading at the Host location, regenerate the Catalog and Catalog Schema views on each Satellite location using the View Generator tool. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin.