To Do List Properties Dialog - Intergraph Smart 3D - Troubleshooting - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Troubleshooting Reference

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Sets options for the information that appears on the To Do List Dialog. You can filter the objects you want to list, based on the state and user permission. Also, you can select the columns that display in the To Do List grid.


Designates the contents in the To Do List.

Error objects

Occurs when relationships between two objects are discrepant. The computation process for the objects does not complete.

Out-of-date objects

Occurs when you have write permission to edit an object but do not have write permission to edit associated objects. If you select both the Error objects and Out-of-date objects boxes, all objects appear in the To Do List.

Warning objects

Occurs when relationships between two objects are discrepant, but the computation process for the objects is complete. You must check the objects and correct any discrepancies.

Ignored items

Determines whether to display To Do List entries that have a Review status of Ignored. By default, this option is not selected.

Only objects which the user has permission to resolve

Includes only those To Do List objects to which the user has write access.

Only objects last changed by

Allows you to filter the To Do List by the user who last modified objects. You can choose from the "modified by" users who have a To Do List record within the collection. This option is useful when the To Do List is very long, and you want to see your own entries only (not necessarily all entries you can fix). The default setting for this option is unchecked.

Discipline Information

Determines whether to display To Do List entries based on which disciplines that you select in the drop-down menu. This option is useful when you want to only see entries from a particular discipline or if you want to exclude entries from a particular discipline.


Specifies the columns of information to include on the To Do List. You must select at least one option listed in the Display section.


Provides an expanded description of the problem. Point to the text in this field to display the informational note as a ToolTip. The software automatically creates the note and its contents.

Object name

Lists the name of an object (for example, PUMP001A_IMP_Asm-1-0001).


Identifies if the objects on the list are Out of Date or in an Error state.

Changed by

Lists the user name of the person who changed the object that caused the Error or Out of Date state.

Date modified

Displays the date the change occurred.


Displays the discipline of the object with the To Do List entry.

Review status

Displays the review status of To Do List entries.