Edit Systems and Specifications - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Systems and Specifications

Intergraph Smart 3D
Systems and Specifications
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Smart 3D Version

The Systems and Specifications task allows you to modify the structure and the properties of your system hierarchy at any point in the design process. You can move an existing system to the top level of the hierarchy by dragging it to the new parent system, or you can make an existing system the subordinate of another existing system with a few simple operations. You can copy an existing system and paste it to another location in the hierarchy. The system you select in the hierarchy then becomes the parent of the copied system.

In addition to adjusting the overall layout of the hierarchy, you can also make modifications to the properties of the members of the hierarchy. Using the Properties command, you can edit the parent, the allowed specifications, and the name of the individual systems.

You can also remove items from the system hierarchy using the Delete command. To delete a system, select it in either the tree view or the content view and click Delete. The software automatically selects the subsystems and parts nested under the selected system. If you have the permission to delete all of the systems, subsystems, and parts that are selected, then the software removes those objects from the model.

To delete or disassociate a specification from the list of allowed specifications for a system and associated subsystems, select the specifications on the Allowed Specification tab in the content view and delete it. If you have permission, and the specification is not the last allowed specification for the system, then the software deletes it.

After the allowed specifications of a system have been changed to differ from the parent, specifications added to the parent are no longer automatically assigned to the child.

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