Straking Seam by Projection Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Displays the options that you use to place a design seam in the model.

 Seam by Projection Properties

Opens the Seam By Projection Properties Dialog, which you use to view and modify the properties of the seam that you are about to place in the model. The initial settings default from the parent plate system..

 Plate Part

Specifies the plate parts for the seam. You can select multiple plate parts to place multiple seams at the same time. The software uses the same information for each seam. After placement, the seams are unrelated to each other and can be edited as individual entities.

 Landing Curve Definition

Allows you to draw the landing curve. See the Landing Curve Definition controls described below.

 Boundary Definition

Defines the boundaries of the seam. You can define the boundaries by selecting objects in the model. If you select objects in the model, and those objects are moved, the software automatically resizes the seam to maintain the boundary relationship. See the Boundary Definition controls described below.


Places the seam using the defined parameters.


Clears all selected objects.


Accepts all selected objects.

Landing Curve Definition Controls

Sketching Plane

Specifies the sketching plane for the curve. This is the first step in defining the curve.

Add Intersecting Item

Specifies objects in the model that intersect the sketching plane to use as reference geometry. These extra objects appear in the Draft 2D environment.

Add Projection Item RIBBON ICON Add Projection Item

Specifies objects in the model that do not intersect the sketching plane to use as reference geometry. These extra objects are projected onto the sketching plane and appear in the Draft 2D environment.

Constraint Table Constraint Table

Opens the Constraint Table dialog from which you can modify sketch curve constraint values without going back into the Sketch 2D environment. A sketch curve must have already been defined in Sketch 2D before this option is available.


Displays the constraint type. You cannot edit the type.


Displays the constraint name. You cannot edit the name.


Defines the constraint value. Include the units of measurement when you edit the value: deg, mm, in, and so forth. You cannot edit a value if it is derived by a formula.

Value Type

Displays the value type: angle, radial, linear, and so forth. You cannot edit the value type.


Displays the formula used to derive the constraint value. You cannot edit formulas, nor can you edit values derived by formulas.


Filters which constraints display in the dialog based on the Sketch 2D layer to which they belong. By default, all constraints on all layers display.

Sketch 2D

Opens the Draft 2D environment in which you can draw the curve.


Allows the software to automatically add all objects that are relative to the object to be sketched to a select set. Items in the select set are highlighted in the graphics view and in the Workspace Explorer. If no objects are added to the select set, the software displays a message in the status bar. This option is only available when you use the Add Intersecting Item or the Add Projection Item option.

Boundary Definition Controls

 Pick Boundaries

Selects objects in the model or in the Workspace Explorer to define the boundaries. This option is only available when you are defining the boundaries.

 Solve Ambiguity

If the objects that you selected in the model for the boundary define an ambiguous solution, then the software prompts you to select one bounded section to clarify the needed boundary. This ambiguity only occurs if one of the boundaries, such as the hull, wraps around both sides of object. Move the cursor over a bounded section, and then click to select.

 Boundary List

Opens the Boundary List Dialog, which allows you to review and define the boundaries.