Place Manual Physical Connections Ribbon - Part and Parts Method - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)


Activates the Physical Connection Properties Dialog, which you use to view and modify the properties of the physical connection that you are about to place in the model.

Command Mode

Activates the part and parts method.

Select Base Part

Selects the first part.

Select Parts to Create Physical Connections with

Selects the adjoining parts to create connections.


Places the physical connections.

Make 1st Part Parent

Places the physical connection with the first object selected (parent base part). If this is not selected, then the software places the physical connection with parts selected in the Select Parts to Create Physical Connections with step.

Weld Class

Specifies the physical connection weld class that the physical connection is based on.

Weld Item

Specifies the physical connection weld item.

You must always select the weld class. After you select the correct class and click Compute/Preview, the Weld Item list contains eligible weld items.

Rule Based

Enables or disables the Weld Item list. Select to disable the Weld Item list.