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Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

Displays the controls used to place brackets.


Opens the Bracket Properties Dialog, which you use to view and modify the properties of the brackets that you are about to place in the model. The initial bracket properties default from the selected structural specification.

Select Plane

Select the plane upon which you want to place the bracket.

Select Bracket Supports

Define the structural support parts for the bracket. You must use Execute Detailing Command to create detail parts for the supports before you can specify them as bracket supports. Brackets require at least two, but not more than five, structural support parts.

Select Thickness Direction

Move the pointer to change the thickness direction for the bracket.


Places the bracket using the defined parameters.

Define Plane Controls

 By Plane or Offset Plane

Places the plate system a specified distance from the reference plane. If you choose this option, you must define the offset distance. An offset distance of zero defines a coincident plane.

Plane by Point and Vector

Specifies the reference plane by defining a vector perpendicular to the reference plane. A third point defines the reference plane position along the vector.

 Plane by Three Points

Specifies the reference plane using three points that you specify in the model.

/Com_Unlock ICON Offset lock

Locks the Offset value, disabling updates of the offset value by mouse moves. The Lock option is only available when you use the Offset from a Plane option.


Specifies the offset distance for the plate from the selected reference plane. You can specify the offset dynamically in graphics or by typing the distance. The Offset option is only available when you use the Offset from a Plane option.

 Select Vector

Defines or selects a vector normal to the needed plane. This option is only available when you use the Plane by Point and Vector option.

 Define Point

Specifies the point along the vector at which to place the plate system or plane. This option is only available when you use the Plane by Point and Vector option.

 Define Point 1

Specifies the location of the first of three points that defines the plane. This option is only available when you are using the Plane by Three Points option.

 Define Point 2

Specifies the location of the second of three points that defines the plane. This option is only available when you are using the Plane by Three Points option.

 Define Point 3

Specifies the location of the third of three points that defines the plane. This option is only available when you are using the Plane by Three Points option.

Support 1

Select the first support for the bracket.

Support 2

Select the second support for the bracket.

Support 3

Select the third support for the bracket.

Support 4

Select the fourth support for the bracket.

Support 5

Select the fifth support for the bracket.


Select the shape of the bracket.


Clears all selected planes or boundaries.


Accepts all selected planes or boundaries.

Parent System

Select the parent system for the plate system that you are placing. Systems are defined using the Systems and Specifications task.


Displays the name of the plate system that you are placing.