Show Manufacturability Inconsistencies Dialog - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Displays and repairs inconsistencies found by the rules of the Check Manufacturability process.


A list view of all inconsistencies. Click the button in the far left column to see the possible solution. Solution descriptions are listed below.

Show Manufacturability Inconsistencies DB


A minor manufacturability problem has been found. The problem does not have to be repaired.


A major manufacturability error has been found. The error must be repaired.

Object or Assembly

Name of the object with an inconsistency.


Description from the rule of the inconsistency

Rule ProgID

Programming ID of the rule that found the inconsistency. Matches the ProgID of the rule on the Manufacturability Checking Settings Dialog .


The type of action that is available in the software to repair the inconsistency. Blank if no software action is available and the repair is done manually.

  • COM Repair Object - Software code that can be run.

  • SQL Script - SQL Script that can be run.

Action Tool

ProgID of the COM Repair Object or name of the SQL Script. Blank if Action is blank.


Describes the details of an inconsistency and the repair that you need to perform for one selected object from the list.


Runs the Action Tool to perform a repair, if one is available for the rule.


Fits one or more selected objects from the list view in the active graphic view.


Clears all inconsistencies and closes the dialog. You must click Check Manufacturability  again to display the remaining inconsistencies.

Piping Inconsistencies Solution Messages

Pipe and Spool Length Messages

Pipe is too long

Pipe exceeds standard ordering length for pipe of this size, as defined in the pipe catalog. For bent pipes the length check includes any extra pipe that had to be added at the ends or between bends for clamping (see "Extra pipe must be added at end…" and "Insufficient straight pipe between bends…" messages below.). If the pipe is bent, the elongation of the pipe during bending will be taken into account when reporting this error.

Pipe is too short

Pipe length is less than the company standard for pipes welded on both ends.

Spool is too long

The overall length of the spool exceeds company standards. The length is measured along the main axis of the spool.

Spool is too wide

The "width" in the spool is measured perpendicular to the main axis. This message indicates that the width exceeds company standards. Checks that the surface treatment tank size is done separately.

Pipe Bending Messages

Bend angle too large

A pipe bend exceeds the maximum bend angle that the bending machine can make.

Bend angle too small

A pipe bend angle is less than the company standard for bends. That is, the pipe is almost straight.

Bends have different radii, not allowed

Pipe has two or more bends, and they do not all have the same bend radius specified.

Bend radius too large or points too close together

The pipe geometry is physically impossible. This is an extreme case of the "insufficient straight pipe between bends…" problem. This problem may be fixed by moving a bend or using a smaller bend radius.

Extra pipe must be added at end, pipe end too short for bending machine to clamp onto

The bending machine needs a sufficiently long straight section at the start and end of the pipe to clamp onto (start), and support (end). This is a warning; bending can be done with a longer piece of pipe, with the extra pipe cut off afterwards.

Insufficient straight pipe between bends for bending machine to clamp onto

The bending machine needs a sufficiently long, straight section between bends to clamp the pipe. This problem may be fixed by moving a bend, by using a smaller bend radius, or by splitting the pipe and putting a joint between the bends.

No pipe bending machine for pipe diameter and bend radius

None of the pipe bending machines listed in the pipe shop XML data file have bend dies listed for the pipe diameter and bend radius of this pipe.

Pipe hits machine or floor during bending

The pipe cannot be bent because the free end or part of the pipe would hit the bending machine or the shop floor during bending. The simulator will have evaluated bending the pipe starting from either end before reporting this error, and will have checked all available bending machines with bend dies of the right size.

If the pipe has flanges on either end, and the Flange Welding check option has been selected, the simulator also checks for attached flange (if any) hitting the machine during bending.

Pipe and Spool Complexity

Too many bends in pipe

The number of bends in the pipe exceeds the company standard. This limit is normally set to maintain dimensional accuracy standards because of accumulated error during bending.

Too many branches

The number of branches off of a main exceeds the company standard limit.

Too many planes in spool

The spool is difficult to fabricate because it is geometrically complex. That is, the number of independent planes exceeds the company standard for spools.

Treatment Tank

Spool too large for treatment tank

A spool that requires galvanization or other tank treatment is too large for the tank.

No treatment tank found for <treatment_name> required by pipe spool

No treatment tank has been given in PipeBenders.xml for the treatment type called out by the pipe specification. This is an error in the editing of the PipeBenders.xml file, not a design error in the piping.

Individual pipes in spool require different tank treatments

A pipe spool is composed of multiple pipes that reference different pipe specs, and those pipe specs call out different, conflicting tank treatments.

Flange Welding

Flange hits machine or floor during bending, weld after bending

Flanges cannot be welded on the pipe before bending because they would hit the bending machine or the shop floor during bending. The simulator will have evaluated bending the pipe starting from either end before reporting this error, and will have checked all available bending machines with bend dies of the right size.

Pipe too long for automatic flange welding

This is a warning that a straight pipe with flanges on one or both ends is too long to be put through the automatic flange welder, and must be manually welded.

Pipe too short for automatic flange welding

This is a warning that a straight pipe with flanges on one or both ends is too short to be put through the automatic flange welder, and must be manually welded.

Inside Grinding and Painting

Pipe too long for inside coating

A pipe requires internal coating, but the pipe is too long for the available Pipe Internal Sprayer.

No internal sprayer found for inside coating

A pipe requires internal coating (as defined in the pipe spec entry in the XML file), but there is no Pipe Internal Sprayer available for the required coating material or for the pipe diameter.

Inaccessible for internal coating

A pipe that requires internal coating after bending has two or more bends. The sections between the bends are inaccessible for coating.

Bend on branch not allowed

A branch weld is inaccessible for grinding after welding because of a bend in the branch pipe.

Branch too far from end of main

Grinding cannot be done on a branch connection because it is too far from the end of the pipe.

Planning Inconsistencies Solution Messages

First Meet Check

First Meet assembly does not match the Planning Joint assembly

The planning joint is not located under the assembly containing the parts joined by the planning joint.

Hierarchy Check

Planning joint is not in an assembly that contains the two joined parts

The planning joint is located neither under the assembly containing the parts joined by the planning joint nor under a parent assembly/block of the assembly.

Physical Connection Check

Weld name is unknown

The weld bevel of a physical connection is not known because of a change to its associated planning joint.

Production Equipment Check

Production Equipment is not assigned to the assembly

The assembly has no production equipment assigned or the assigned production equipment is not compatible and cannot perform the weld.

Weld Side Check

The Weld Side of the Planning Joint is incorrect

The weld side of the planning joint is incorrect.