Using Planning Data to Define Physical Connections - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Planning data can drive physical connections by providing default answers to selection questions. For example, if a planner has defined the welding location of two plates, then the workcenter can be set for the assembly containing the two plates. The catalog contains information about that workcenter, and based on the Assembly Orientation that has been defined, the FirstWeldingSide can be set to Molded or AntiMolded. Or, the planner could decide if the weld should be single-sided or double-sided.

Properties may be assigned to the assembly or the workcenter. Workcenter properties are defined in the catalog during the bulkload process. Assembly properties are defined by default in the catalog, and can be overwritten by the planner on the Assembly Properties dialog box, as shown in the following picture:

The following sections describe how to get the planning data for an object and use it in the Structural Detailing rules. This is a limited set of examples, but these concepts can be used to obtain most planning properties.

Using the Planning Wrapper

Structural detailing delivers a wrapper called StructDetailObjects, in which users can retrieve properties for each of the different Structural detailing object types. Planning has a similar wrapper class. The PlanningObjects project can be found in \Planning\Data\RuleHelpers.


To get the assembly information and use it to define a weld, it is often necessary to know in which assembly the two parts are welded. To find the assembly, look for the location where the two objects first meet. This is the assembly in which they are welded.

To find the FirstMeet assembly, you can use a wrapper that is delivered in the StructDetailObjects.Helper class. This FirstMeet assembly is important because it is passed into many of the planning wrappers that are used during physical connection creation. The following code gives an example of using the FirstMeet helper:

Dim pHelper as New StructDetailObjects.Helper

Dim oAssembly as IJAssembly

Set oAssembly = pHelper.FirstMeet(oSlot.Penetrated, oSlot.Penetrating)


To get the WorkCenter property of an assembly, define a new planning wrapper object. The following code shows an example of getting the WorkCenter for a profile part:

Dim sWorkCenter As String

Dim oPlanWrapper As New PlanningObjects.PlnAssembly

'get the workcenter of the profile

sWorkCenter = oPlanWrapper.WorkCenterFromPart(oProfilePart.object)

This workcenter can be used to define welding properties for the profile part.


The weld equipment can also be used to determine properties for the physical connection. If a particular piece of equipment can only handle one-sided welds, and a part is assigned to that equipment, then the weld that is created must be one-sided. To find the WeldEquipment, the following code example can be used:

Dim sWeldEquipment As String

Dim oPlanWrapper As New PlanningObjects.PlnAssembly

Dim pHelper as New StructDetailObjects.Helper

Dim oAssembly as IJAssembly

Set oAssembly = pHelper.FirstMeet(oProfilePart.object, oPlatePart.object)

'get the WeldEquipment of the profile

sWeldEquipment = oPlanWrapper.WeldEquipment(oAssembly)

See Also

Physical Connection Reference Data