Server-based interference checking (Database Detect) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 1 - Help - Hexagon

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Server-Based Interference Checking (Database Detect)

Unlike the traditional file-based method of manually defining groups of parts to check against each other, Check Interference is a separate software process that runs directly on the Model database. Although you can run the interference detection process on any computer with the Database Interference Detection Service installed, due to the intensive nature of the interference check computations, we recommend that you dedicate a computer as the interference server.

To monitor interferences, you must install the Database Interference Detection Service option on the same computer where the Project Management option is installed. While working in a Global Workshare environment, you can only run and monitor IFC status from the Host location.

Database detection options are set in the Project Management task. You can also start and stop the interference database detection process in the Project Management task.

Interference detection requires disk space for the file cache that temporarily stores the interference data. Before starting the interference process, the interference server checks to see if enough space exists in the TMP location for the file cache. The server also checks to see if you have the proper permissions to write, read, and delete files in the TMP location. During the process, if the space becomes too low, the software stops IFC, and then displays an error message. These checks primarily apply to the server-based interference process. Although, they can apply to the local checking process if extremely low or no disk space is available for the temporary folder on the local computer.

Configure automatic disk defragmentation in order to free space for the file cache.

After you start the process, use the Status tab on the Interference Server Settings Dialog to monitor the start time, the progress of the interference checking, the time when the last part was modified, and the status of the checking. A box at the top of the dialog identifies the model that you are checking.

The software automatically checks new or modified objects apart from existing objects. When you create or modify an object, the software checks for interference against all objects in the Model database. The interferences generated by this process are persistent; that is, the interferences are stored in the database like any other objects in the software. You can also modify these objects by changing the properties. Interferences are also assigned to a permission group; thereby the entire process is under the control and restrictions of an administrator.

You can interrupt the automatic interference checking process during a work session without forcing a recheck of all parts in the database when the process is brought back online. When you restart the interference check process, the software begins checking where it left off when the process went offline. However, if you change any of the options on the Interference Server Settings Dialog for Database Detect, you are given an option to perform a warm reboot so that all the approved interferences are preserved.

The server-based interference checking runs continuously. Therefore, you can perform an interference check at any time and view the interferences of interest that result from the background check by refreshing the workspace. After you have reviewed the interferences, you can remove an interference automatically from the database by editing the objects so that the interference no longer exists. You can then see the results of your edit by refreshing the workspace. Because certain types of interferences are allowable, you also have the capability to mark such interferences as acceptable.

Be aware that there is a four-minute server lag time between the time you make your edits and the time that the database detect service rechecks the objects. After the database detect process reaches 100%, the software issues a query only every two minutes to locate newly modified objects. Therefore, it is possible that there is a six-minute delay before a modified object is processed. We do not recommend changing the default four-minute server lag time. However, in some scenarios, you might need to change the default server lag time. For example, you must increase the server lag time for resolving the concurrency issues. If you are in Project Management with the Interference Server Settings Dialog open, press CTRL+SHIFT+F12 to change the default four-minute server lag time. The maximum server lag time limit is 60 minutes.

You must run the Database Detect process before running an interference report. The report is not intended to run on local interferences.

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