Provides options for assigning interference checking priorities to aspects, specifying the comparison methods, and optionally including a clearance rule. You can also assign the interference results to a selected permission group. All properties on this tab when viewed outside Project Management are read-only.
You must run Database Detect before running the delivered Interference report. The Interference report is not intended to run on local interferences.
Specifies the name of the server on which the interference checking is processed for the identified model. Specify the server name using the domain\computer-name format.
Specifies each aspect that you want to check. Lists all the object aspects that are identified for use in the mode, such as Simple physical, Detailed physical, Insulation, Operation, Maintenance, Reference Geometry, and Centerline. This includes system-defined aspects and custom aspects.
Defines the checking you can apply to the selected aspect: Required, Optional, and Not checked. Choose the appropriate type for each aspect. Not checked means the selected aspect is not used for interference checking.
Specifies the types of comparisons to perform to find interferences.
Required - Required
Defines interferences classified as hard/hard. For example, one pipe physically intersects another pipe.
Required - Optional
Defines interferences that are not as severe and are classified as hard/soft. For example, one pipe overlaps the optional maintenance aspect of the other object but does not actually intersect the other object.
Optional - Optional
Defines interferences that are not severe and are classified as soft/soft. For example, the maintenance aspect of one piece of equipment overlaps the maintenance aspect of another.
Smart 3D - External Data
Includes Reference 3D models, referenced MicroStation objects, and 3D AutoCAD files in interference checking. For Local Detect, the software by default considers objects in Reference 3D models, MicroStation, and 3D AutoCAD files that are in the workspace.
This option only checks active model objects against R3D external objects. IFC also checks clashes between R3D objects belonging to different R3D projects. The option does not check for interferences between other external objects such as MicroStation to 3D AutoCAD.
Reference 3D models that contain tessellated data take a significant amount of time for interference checking to process. For quicker IFC performance, set Interference Detection to Do Not Participate.
Smart 3D - Point Cloud
Includes an attached point cloud during interference checking. The point cloud must have a valid connection to the model with no unresolved vendor licensing issues for this option to be available.
For Cyclone data, we recommend that you run the interference checking on a dedicated server where no modeling activities are performed.
Include clearance rule
Specifies the clearance rule to add to the Required type of interference check.
Assign results to permission group
Specifies the permission group to which all the detected interferences are assigned. The list displays only those permission groups to which the server containing the interference checking software has write access.
Marker size
Specifies the size of the interference graphic marker. Choose a size that is clearly visible, but one that does not interfere with the smaller details in the workspace view.
Starts the Database Detect interference checking process. This option is only available in Project Management.
Stops the Database Detect interference checking the process. This option is only available in Project Management.