Check Slot Angle Manufacturability Rules - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Planning Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version

Analyzes and repairs slot opening angles based on changes in the Planning task, such as build method and assembly orientation.

Visual Basic Project: [Product Folder]\Planning\Data\Rules\CheckMfcty\SMCheckMfctySlotAngle\SMCheckMfctySlotAngle.vbp

Compiled Rule: [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Bin\Planning\Rules\Release\SMCheckMfctySlotAngle.dll

Bulkload: Check Structural Detailing Manufacturability Worksheet

You can modify check manufacturability rules by modifying the logic in an existing class, creating a new class and writing a new rule, or removing an existing class that is not needed.

The following class modules are included in the Visual Basic project:

Check - Compares the assembly orientation and build method stored with a slot occurrence with those of the assembly of the penetrated part of the slot.

Repair - Recomputes the slot opening angle if the assembly orientation and build method has changed.