Edit the Valve Operator Part Number in the Piping Commodity Material Control Data Sheet - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Piping Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

The Valve Operator Part Number in the Piping Commodity Material Control Data sheet is not a property used to create the unique ID definition of the record. Therefore, you can mark the existing record as modified by typing M at the beginning of the record. However, because the valve operator is an output to the symbol definition of the valve, you must mark all affected valve part records as modified by typing M at the beginning of each record.

  1. Open the Piping Commodity Material Control Data sheet.

  2. Locate the record, edit the Valve Operator Part Number value, and then type M at the beginning of the record.

  3. In the Part Classes sheets, locate the valve parts affected by the changes.

  4. At the beginning of each affected valve part record, type M.

  5. Bulkload the spreadsheet, and review the log file.

  6. Use the Catalog Checker to review the impact of the proposed changes.

  7. Because editing the Valve Operator Part Number impacts the modeled objects, use the Synchronize Model with Catalog Command to mark the out-of-date objects.

  8. Use the Synchronize Workspace with Catalog Command to update the objects.

  9. Verify your changes, and resolve any discrepancies.

Edit Valve Operator Part Number 1

Use the following SQL statement to find all affected valves:



x10.ItemName as PartOcc,






x14.Name as ClassName,

x4.ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber as 'Operator PartNumber'

From JPartOcc x1

Join JNamedItem x10 on x10.Oid = x1.oid

Join XmadeFrom x2 on x2.OidOrigin = x1.oid

Join JDPart x11 on x11.Oid = x2.OidDestination

Join JDPipeComponent x15 on x15.Oid = x11.oid

Join XSymbolDefinitionforPartClass x13 on x13.OidDestination = x11.oid

Join JDPartClass x14 on x14.Oid = x13.OidOrigin

Join XPartOccToMaterialControlData x3 on x3.OidOrigin = x1.oid

Join JValveOperatorInfo x4 on x4.Oid = x3.OidDestination

Where x4.ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber Not like ''

Order by x11.PartNumber, x15.PrimarySize, x15.PriSizeNPDUnits, x15.SecondarySize, x15.SecSizeNPDUnits