Valve Operator Material Control Data - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Piping Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

The Valve Operator Material Control Data node (the ValveOperatorMatlControlData sheet in the Piping Specification.xls workbook) defines the valve operator material control data for the piping specification. This information does not vary per piping materials class.

Alt Reportable Commodity Code (Optional)

Specify the contractor commodity code for an alternate reportable piping commodity that is to be created with the primary piping commodity on the basis of the piping materials class. In an isometric drawing, only the primary piping commodity is depicted graphically. The materials list includes the short description of both the primary piping commodity and the reportable piping commodity. The data for the reportable piping commodity includes a commodity code and the corresponding short and long material descriptions, plus the typical data that is reported for any other piping commodity. This data is currently not used by the software.

Hyperlink To Electronic Vendor (Optional)

Type the URL address to the electronic vendor catalog.

Hyperlink To Electronic Manuals (Optional)

Type the URL address to the electronic copy of the manuals.

Localized Short Material Description (Optional)

Type a description for the material. The software uses this description in the bill-of- materials part of isometric drawings when construction personnel require a different language than what was used in the Short Material Description box.

Long Material Description (Optional)

Type a description for the material to use when requisitioning.

Operator Part Number (Required)

Type the unique catalog data identification for the valve operator.

Manufacturer (Optional)

Type the code for the manufacturer. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Manufacturer sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Quantity of Alt Reportable Parts (Optional)

Enter the number of alternate reportable piping commodities to be reported per instance of the piping commodity. If you have defined a commodity code in the Alt Reportable Commodity Code column but do not define a value in this column, the software uses a default value of one. This data is currently not used by the software.

Quantity of Reportable Parts (Optional)

Type an integer value that represents the quantity of objects to be reported per instance of the piping commodity. Typically, this value is one, but the value may be greater than one. This data is currently not used by the software.

Reportable Commodity Code (Optional)

Type the commodity code of the piping specialty item that you want created with the primary commodity code item. For example, you may want safety covers or housings reported for material control but not represented graphically in the model. You would enter the commodity code of the safety cover here, or you might want to enter the commodity code for the chain for a chain wheel. This data is currently not used by the software.

Short Material Description (Required)

Type a description for the material. The software uses this description in the bill-of-materials part of isometric drawings, for reporting, and for visual feedback to the piping designer for design, construction, and fabrication.

Valve Operator Type (Required)

Enter the code that represents the specific type of valve operator, actuator, or appurtenance. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the ValveOperatorType sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Vendor (Optional)

Type the code for the vendor. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Vendor sheet in the Codelist Number column.

See Also

Instrument Class Data
Multiport Valve Operator Data
Piping Commodity Filter
Piping Commodity Material Control Data
Piping Commodity Procurement
Piping Materials Classes
Piping Specialty Class Data
Valve Operator Material Control Data
Commodity Codes
Pipe Specification