Define Default Change of Direction per Spec - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Piping Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
  1. Open the Single Piping Materials Class Template.xls workbook delivered in the Templates folder.

  2. Select the DefaultChangeofDirectionPerSpec sheet.

  3. Select a row after the Start keyword but before the End keyword, and click Insert > Row.

  4. In the Spec Name column, type the name of the piping materials class.

  5. In the Bend Angle From column, enter the lower boundary for the bend angle. This value must match the Bend Angle To value on the previous row.

  6. In the Bend Angle To column, enter the upper boundary for the bend angle. This value must match the Bend Angle From value for the next row

  7. In the Functional Short Code column, enter the functional short code to use to access the piping commodity filter for the change-of-direction fitting.

  8. Save the Single Piping Materials Class Template.xls workbook.

The piping materials class must be defined on the PipingMaterialsClassData sheet.

See Also

Default Change of Direction Per Spec