PDMS Export Validation Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart 3D - 2016 - Administration

Intergraph Smart 3D PDMS Design and Data Exchange

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)


Displays the active filter of the session file. Click Browse to navigate to and select a different filter.

Target (PDMS) object selection criteria

Specify the selection criteria. The current release of the software supports only the Validate from mapping file option.

Specify alternative location

Allows you to specify a mapping file other than the one in the default location. By default, the software updates the mapping file located in [Product Folder]SharedContent\Data\Translators\S3DPDMSExport. To specify a different location, select this option and then type the full path location and file name in the Datal/Mapping file path box. Alternatively, click the browse button , and then navigate to the location.

Datal/Mapping file path

Type the full path location and name of the mapping file to validate. This option is available only if you select Specify alternative location. Updating DATAL files is not supported in the current release of the software.

Validation criteria

Select the Smart 3D objects whose mapping you want to validate. Objects are listed by discipline. For each criterion that you select, the software validates the corresponding worksheet in the mapping file. You must select at least one object in the Validation criteria list.

Validation Criteria



Reports missing mapping for the Smart 3D objects hierarchy in the CustomizeS3DHierarchyMap sheet.

Equipment Models

For more information about any of the equipment mapping sheets referenced in the following rows, see Equipment Translation Maps.


Reports missing mapping for pipe nozzle CATRef attributes in the CPStraightNozzleCAtRefMap and CPElbowNozzleCAtRefMap sheets.

Reports missing mapping for HVAC nozzle CATRef attributes in the CPHvacNozzleCatRefMap sheet.

Catalog equipment

Reports missing mapping for PartNumber and TempPartNumber attributes in the PartNumberValueMap and the DesParamAdditonalAttrMap sheets, respectively.


Reports missing mapping for ShapePartClass in the CPShapeValueMap sheet.

Piping Models

For more information about any of the piping mapping sheets referenced in the following rows, see Piping Translation Maps.


Reports missing mapping for the following:

  • Smart 3D part identifiers for pipe parts in the S3DPartIdentifierMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D catalog components in the CatalogComponentSPREFMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D catalog components in the NPDSpecificSPREFMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D catalog specialty items in the CatalogSpecialtySPREFMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D catalog instrument items in the CatalogInstrumentSPREFMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D on-the-fly specialty items in the OnFlySpecialitySPREFMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D on-the-fly instrument items in the OnFlyInstrumentSPREFMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for pipe run specification in the PipeRunSpecMap sheet.

End Connection

Reports missing mapping for the end connection of pipe parts in the PipingEndConnectionMap sheet.

Stock parts

Reports missing mapping for stock parts SpecRef attributes in the CatalogComponentSPREFMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for gaskets and field fitted welds SpecRef attributes in the CatalogComponentSPREFMap sheet and in the NPDSpecificSPREFMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for pipe support components in the PipeSupportSPREFMap sheet, if the .ini file option ExportSupportsAs is set to ATTACHMENT_MAPPING in the .ini file.

Structure Models

For more information about any of the structure mapping sheets referenced in the following rows, see Structure Translation Maps.

Fire proofing

Reports missing insulation on member parts in the InsulationAttrMap sheet. The tool also reports the missing insulation SpecRef attributes in the InsulationSpecAttrMap sheet.

Cross sections

Reports missing mapping for cross-section of member parts in the StrucClassAdditionalAttributes sheet.


Reports missing mapping for materials and grade for objects such as member parts, slabs, members with insulation, plate parts, and profile parts in the S3DMaterialAndGradeMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for cross section of profile parts in the MarineCSAdditionalAttributes sheet. Only applicable when using the software in Marine mode.


Reports missing mapping for the composition of wall parts in the PDMSWallAdditionalAttributes sheet.


Reports missing mapping for the cross section of wall parts in the WallCrossSectionMap sheet.

WallComposition is validated before WallCrossSection. If there is missing mapping in the PDMSWallAdditionalAttributes sheet, manually add the missing mapping to the sheet, and then validate the WallCrossSectionMap sheet.

HVAC Models

For more information about any of the HVAC mapping sheets referenced in the following rows, see HVAC Translation Maps.


Reports missing mapping for the following:

  • Smart 3D part identifiers for HVAC parts in the HVACPartIdentifierMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D part number for catalog components in the HVACComponentSPREFMap sheet.

  • Smart 3D concatenated string for duct turn and transition features in the HVACComponentSPREFMap sheet. The concatenated string includes the specification name, HVAC component type, and cross section type. For more information, see HVACComponentSPREFMap.


  • Reports missing mapping for duct run specifications in the DuctRunSpecMap sheet.

  • Reports missing mapping for duct run specification and cross section type in the HVACRunAttributesMap sheet. For more information, see HVACRunAttributesMap.


Reports missing mapping for the end connection of duct parts in the HVACEndConnectionMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for duct parts SpecRef attributes in the HVACComponentSPREFMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for gaskets SpecRef attributes in the HVACComponentSPREFMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for duct/design supports in the HVACComponentsSPREFMap sheet.

Hangers and Supports Models

For more information about any of the piping mapping sheets referenced in the following rows, see Supports Translation Maps.


  • Reports missing PartNumber mapping for support components in the SupportPartNumber sheet.

  • Reports the missing mapping for a support component's GType attribute in the SupportGTYPE sheet.

  • Reports the missing mapping for a support component's Attributes in the SupportUserAttributes sheet.

Electrical Models

For more information about any of the electrical mapping sheets referenced in the following rows, see Electrical Translation Maps.


Reports missing mapping for conduit and cable tray parts in the ElectricalPartIdentifierMap and ElectricalComponentSPREFMap sheets.


Reports missing mapping for electrical specifications in the ElectricalRunSpecMap sheet.


Reports missing mapping for conduit and cable tray stock parts in the ElectricalPartIdentifierMap and ElectricalComponentSPREFMap sheets.


Reports missing mapping for electrical end preparations in the ElectricalEndConnectionMap sheet.

Log file details

Specify the full path location and file name of the log file to be created. Alternatively, you can click Browse and navigate to the necessary location and file.


Runs the PDMS Export Validation command based on the criteria that you have specified.


Closes the dialog box without performing the validation process.