Place a polyline - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
Search by Category
Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Start polyline definition

  1. Click PolylineBy1to4Segments on the Geometric Construction Palette.

  2. In the the Auto Preview box, select On.

  3. Select a reference plane along the X-axis.

    A preview of the polyline displays with default values.

  4. Optionally, select an offset distance from the plane in the Ref Plane Offset box.

  5. In the Segments Count box, select the needed number of segments.

Define the start point

  1. In the Category box, select Point #1.

  2. In the Point #1 Coord box, select the needed axis or reference. For a reference, also select a reference plane or object for 2.

  3. For an axis, type a value for Point #1 Coord1. For a reference, type a value for Point #1 Offset1.

  4. In the Point #1 Orient box, select Offset or Reference.

  5. For Offset, type a value for Point #1 Coord2. For Reference, select a reference plane or object for 3 and type a value for Start Pt Offset.

    The preview updates as options as changed.

Define the remaining points

  1. In the Category box, select Point #2.

  2. In the Point #2 Coord box, select the needed axis or reference. For a reference, also select a reference plane or object for 4.

  3. For an axis, type a value for Point #2 Coord1. For a reference, type a value for Point #2 Offset1.

  4. In the Point #2 Orient box, select Offset, Reference, At angle, or Parallel.

  5. Define values related to the selected option.

  6. Repeat the steps in this section for the remaining points.

    The preview updates as options as changed.

Finish polyline creation

  1. Click Continue.

    Temporary geometry displays in the graphic view and as PolylineBy1to4Segments in the Geometric Construction Explorer.

  2. If needed, create additional geometric constructions.

  3. Click Close to return to the main command ribbon.

  • If you stop the command before clicking Finish, the software does not save the geometric constructions to the model. When you restart the command, the following message displays, giving you the option to recover the geometric constructions:

    "The previous execution of the command was not completed. Do you want to recover the 3D construction?"

    The message displays only during creation of an object and is unavailable when editing an object.

  • The geometric constructions are not saved to the model until you click Finish on the main command ribbon to create the model object.