Property Compare Report - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

The Property sheet lists all of the properties of the source and targets and their status. In the Property sheet, you can find the following information:


Displays the status for each of the properties of the source and target objects.

  • If the status is Check, it indicates that the property of the source and target has failed to match. The entire row is highlighted in yellow. If the property matches, the status is Ok.

  • When the status is Check, a comment is displayed on the target box (when you move the pointer over the target box) indicating the expected value that is needed for the properties to match.

  • When the target value is expected to be different (in cases, when target attribute value is defined by a rule), the status is Ok.


Displays information on any property associated with the selected objects.


Displays the name of the source object.


Displays the name of the target object.

If the objects being processed for a particular report do not belong to the selected family, then the following message displays: There are some objects not associated with the family. Hence these objects will not be reported in the Report.