Place Opening Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Specifies the properties for the opening that you are placing or editing.

 Opening Properties

Activates the Opening Properties dialog box. You can use this dialog box to specify opening properties that you cannot set on the ribbon. For more information, see Opening Properties Dialog Box.


Select the object in which to place an opening. You can select members or slabs.

 Sketching Plane

Select the plane on the object on which to draw the opening. If you are placing an opening that does not go all the way through the object, the sketching plane defines the side of the object in which the partial opening is placed.

If you are editing an opening in the Structure or Civil task, this option is only available if the sketching plane for the opening is missing.

 Define Orientation

Select this option if you plan to sketch the opening and want to define the orientation of the object, in which the opening is being placed, in the 2D environment. Most of the time, the default orientation that the software uses is appropriate for the opening. However, use this option if you are placing an opening in a multi- sided slab, for example, and you need to know that the correct side of the slab is selected for the opening.

 Edge for 2D X-axis

Select this option to specify the object edge that should be oriented along the bottom of the 2D environment. This option is only available when you select the Define Orientation option.

 End Point

Select this option to specify the lower left corner of the object as you want it to appear in the 2D environment. This option is only available when you select the Define Orientation option.


Specify the boundaries of the opening. If you select objects in the model and those objects are moved, the software automatically resizes the opening to maintain the boundary relationship. For example, you can select the outside edge of a beam flange as a boundary along one side of an opening. Later, if the section size for the beam is changed and the flange edge moves out an inch, the software automatically moves the edge of the opening an inch to match the new location of the flange edge.

 Boundary List

Activates the Boundary Offsets dialog box. This dialog box allows you to define an offset distance for each boundary that you have defined. Select a row to highlight the boundary in the model. Then, type the distance from the boundary to place the edge of the opening. Type 0 to place the opening edge on the boundary. Type a negative number to offset the opening inside the boundary. Type a positive number to offset the opening outside the boundary.


Places the opening using the defined parameters.


Rejects the objects that you have selected.


Confirms the objects that you have selected.

 Select Boundaries

Select this option to select objects in the model to define the boundaries of the opening. This option is only available when you are specifying boundaries.

 Add References to Sketch 2D

Adds an object as a reference object in the 2-D environment. The objects that you select will display as thick blue lines in the 2-D environment. You can define relationships and dimensions to these blue-lined objects in 2-D. The software may also automatically retrieve 3-D objects to display in the 2-D environment. The automatically selected objects will display as grey lines. These grey line objects are read-only (you cannot define relationships or dimensions to them) and are there to help you visualize the model. This option is only available when you are drawing the boundaries of the opening.

For piping and equipment objects in plant mode, Insulation, Equipment Hole, Maintenance, and Operation aspects displaying in the 3D graphic view also display in the Sketch 2D environment. The aspect geometry displays as dashed lines. You can define dimensions, but not relationships, to these aspects in 2D.

The software also automatically retrieves 3-D objects to display in the 2-D environment. The automatically selected objects display as fine grey lines. Examples of these objects include geometry generated by end cut operations, geometry that represents hidden lines from intersecting objects projected to the sketching plane, or objects that intersect the sketching plane. The software writes these graphics to the No_Constrained_Elements layer. You can reference these objects to place your sketch, but the objects that display as fine grey lines are temporary. When you exit the 2-D environment, the software deletes these graphics. Any relationships or constraints to the temporary graphics are also deleted when you exit the 2-D environment.

Although the references are deleted when you exit the 2D environment, the references are automatically reimported when you modify the opening.


Activates the Structure Draft 2D View environment. Use this environment to sketch the outline of the opening in the structure that you have selected.


Specifies how you want to define the opening shape. Select Sketch to draw the opening shape. Select More to select an opening shape from the catalog. This option is only used when you are not using boundaries to define the opening shape.

Cutting Limit

Select the cutting depth method for the opening.

  • Select Through-All to completely penetrate the object in which the opening is placed. This option is available for all objects in which you can place an opening.

  • Select Through-Next to penetrate only one side of an object. For example, a channel section member in which you want an opening only on the top flange. This option is available only when the object that you select for the opening is a member whose cross-section has parallel webs or flanges or a wall that turns back on itself. In the figure, A is the Through-All option and B is the Through-Next option.

  • Select User Defined if you want to specify the penetration depth of the opening. This option is available for all objects in which you can place an opening.

Cutting Depth

Specify the cutting depth for the opening. The depth is measured from the sketching plane that you specified.