Ring Plate 1 - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Tooltip: RingPlate

Creates a ring plate by connecting all flanges on a set of incoming members that share a nodal connection and a penetrating perpendicular cylindrical member. The corners of the ring plate are square.

The physical axes of the incoming members are end-point connected and coplanar. The common end point is the node. The axis of the perpendicular member traverses the node. A ring plate can be defined by a single incoming member and the perpendicular member. The incoming flange and web plate parts are trimmed. For built-up members, the incoming flange and web parts are trimmed by the edges of the ring plate.

The macro computes a local coordinate system from the following:

  1. If the ring plate has one incoming member:

    • X-axis - Defined by the axis of the member oriented from the nodal point to the other end of the member.

    • Z-axis - Defined by the axis of the perpendicular cylindrical member oriented from the nodal point to the other end of the perpendicular member.

    • Y-axis - Calculated as the cross product of Z-axis by Y-axis.

  2. If the ring plate has more than one incoming member:

    • X-axis - Defined by the axis of the first located member oriented from the nodal point to the other end of the member.

    • Y-axis - Defined by the axis of the second located member oriented from the nodal point to the other end of the member.

    • Z-axis - Calculated as the cross product of X-axis by Y-axis.

Ring Plate 1 Ribbon

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