Surface by Sweeping - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Tooltip: SurfBySweeping

Creates a surface from a set of planar curves (such as curves on plate edges) and optional path curves.

The cross-section curves:

  • Must be planar, but do not need to be coplanar

  • Must be oriented in the same direction to avoid a twist in the surface

  • Must each have the same number of vertices

  • Can be open or closed

  • Can touch at some vertices

The paths curves:

  • Do not need to be planar

  • Must touch the cross-section curves unless there is only one path curve

  • Must each have the same number of vertices

The following example shows planar cross-sections curves swept along two path curves:

The following example shows planar cross-sections curves touching at end vertices, and swept along a single path curve:

The following example shows closed cross-sections swept along two path curves. A capping surface is created on the left end:

Required Input

Planar curves

Optional Input

Path curves


Capping faces



Capping surface at one or both ends

GC Surface by Sweeping Ribbon

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