Place a buckling plate along a member - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Smart 3D Version
  1. Click Advanced Plate System Command advanced_plate_systems_i on the vertical toolbar.

  2. Select APS Icon Browser from the Macro Definition list to display the Advanced Plate Palette Dialog.

  3. On the Buckling Plate tab, click BucklingPlate0 to display the Member Buckling Plate Ribbon.

  4. In a graphic view, select a rolled or built-up member.

  5. Select the first side or ring plate.

  6. Select the second side or ring plate.

    The geometric constructions used to create the plate display in the graphic view.

  7. Type the required offset value for Distance from, and click Accept .

    The intersection plane moves to the new offset location.

    SHARED Tip To better see the point at which the plane intersects the member, change the orientation of the graphic view.

  8. Click Continue.

    A preview of the buckling plate displays in the graphic view. The ribbon display returns to the Advanced Plate System Ribbon.

  9. If the plate preview does not display in the required location, then:

    1. Click Select Supports .

      The ribbon display returns to the Member Buckling Plate Ribbon.

    2. Type a new offset value for Distance from, click Accept , and then click Continue.

      A preview of the plate, now in the new offset location, displays in the graphic view. The ribbon display returns to the Advanced Plate System Ribbon.

  10. If needed, click Define Boundaries , and define boundaries for the plate.

  11. Click Finish.

    The software creates the buckling plate.