Copy By Family Log Files - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Logs are generated for Find and correlate , Create target group copy , Modify target group copy , and Finish operations.

Find and correlate objects log

The purpose of this log is to show objects that failed to find operations because the target area contains duplicated objects (both geometrically and topologically). You must delete one of the duplicates before Find and Correlate can correlate the source and target objects and any dependent objects.

If the Modify Port/Starboard option is selected, the list of forced objects is logged at the finish of the Find and correlate objects command.

Create target group copy log

The initial step of Create target group copy shows the candidates for copy (that is, objects that do not yet have a target object). Any objects that are on the to-do list are not selected for copy. None of the dependents of the to-do list objects are selected for copy.

The list of objects on the to-do list is logged, and any dependent objects are listed at the end.

Modify target group copy log

Modify target group copy excludes to-do list objects and reports on them in the same way as Create target group copy . Modify target group copy compares the attributes of the source object with the target object and selects candidates to copy when differences are found. To simplify the selection process, these differences are reported in the log.

The actual attribute difference is shown first with the objects that are different shown at the end.

Because features are considered attributes of parts, this creates a hierarchy. All features, including intermediate features, are shown.

Finish after Create, Modify, or Delete log

Errors in the finish log include:

  • New errors, such as targets that go on the to-do list

  • Exceptions thrown by the underlying operations such as copy, split, or detail.

  • Exceptions thrown by Copy by Family Command because it is processing an object before its parent. This requires that the copy be run a second time.

The format of these error messages is as follows:

If the target geometry is bad, the dependents are copied unless they cannot be copied without the parent. The dependents that are not copied are listed at the end of the log.