UOM Sheet - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Material Handling Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Material Handling
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version

The UOM sheet in the AllCommon.xls workbook lists the units and unit types for the custom user attributes that you can define for objects in the software. The Custom Interfaces sheet in other reference data workbooks uses the unit and unit type definitions. For more information, see Custom Interfaces Sheets in the Smart 3D Reference Data Guide.

The units and unit types are actually defined in the core component of the software, and the UOM sheet is just a preview list of the units and types. For more information about units and unit types, see Appendix: Units of Measure in the Smart 3D Reference Data Guide.

Do not modify the UOM sheet in the AllCommon.xls workbook.

Unit Types - Specifies the unit types, such as distance, angle, and so on.

Units - Specifies the available units for each type, such as inches, millimeters, and so on.

See Also

AllCommon Sheets and Disciplines
AllCommon Sheets