Place Cutting Plane/Section View Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Creates a cutting plane on a drawing view. The cutting plane is an annotation marker that indicates where to slice a group of objects and from which direction to look at that slice. Cutting planes are made of one or more line segments. When comprised of multiple line segments, cutting planes are also referred to as "jogged" cutting planes. The Place Cutting Plane command is only available in SmartSketch Drawing Editor when you create a new drawing or edit an existing drawing from a 3D task. For example, the following graphic shows a drawing view, a cutting plane, and a derived section view:

You can only create section views from cutting planes drawn on valid graphical views. Valid graphical views include normal drawing views, section views, detail views, and snapshot views, but exclude keyplan views. Valid graphical views must already be associated to a volume in the model and updated at least once). If you delete a drawing view that has cutting planes, the cutting plans are also deleted. A confirmation message asks if you want to convert associated section views to normal drawing views or delete them as well.

After a cutting plane has been defined, a drawing view appears on your cursor. Click to place the view on the drawing sheet. See Place a cutting plane/section view.

When you select a cutting plane, it highlights within the drawing view and the Edit ribbon appears so you can make modifications to the selected cutting plane. To place a cutting plane, select a valid drawing view and click the Place Cutting Plane command. You can also click the command first and then select the view.

Single-segment and Jogged cutting planes have handles at the end-points, mid-points, and depth-points. You can change the geometry of the selected cutting plane by dragging its handles. Dragging a mid-point handle moves the associated line segment, maintaining its length and slope while altering any adjacent line segments. Dragging a vertex or end-point alters the length and/or slope of the attached line segment(s). Dragging a depth handle alters the depth of the associated section view.

You can move a single-segment cutting plane by clicking and dragging its mid-point handle to the new position. You can move a jogged cutting plane by clicking on a point of the line segment and dragging it; do not click a handle to move the jogged cutting plane.

After modifying a cutting plane, click Finish to save the changes. Selecting the Update section check box will cause an update of the related section view when the Finish button is clicked. The Update section option is remembered globally for all section views.

To delete a cutting plane, select it and press the DELETE key. Deleting the cutting plane does not affect the drawing view, but if there is an associated section view, you are asked if you want to convert the section view to a normal drawing view or delete it as well.

Shortcut Menu

When you select an existing cutting plane, you can right-click to get the cutting plane shortcut menu. The shortcut menu allows you to make the following modifications to the cutting plane: Bring to Front, Send to Back, Pull Up, and Push Down.

Place Cutting Plane Ribbon

Place Section View Ribbon

Edit Cutting Plane Ribbon

Edit Section View Ribbon

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See Also

Section View Orientation Rules in Drawings by Rule