Define settings for the Share Service - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Integration - Project As-Built with HxGN SDx

Intergraph Smart 3D
Project As-Built with SDx
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version

The Intergraph Smart 3D Share Service monitors the model database for changes, such as new or modified objects. Initially, you configure and start this service for the As-Built design model. Doing so sets up a continuous stream of Smart Interop Object data between the model and SDx to perform the initial bulk synchronization of design data to SDx, During project execution, the Share Service settings that you defined for the design model to execute the bulk synchronization of As-Built data to SDx must also be defined for the Change Management model. This enables the Intergraph Smart 3D Share Service to monitor the Change Management model database for changes, such as new or modified objects. When you create or modify a design object in the configured Smart 3D model, the software automatically transmits those changes to the As-Built model in SDx.

In addition to starting the Intergraph Smart 3D Share Service, you must create one or more settings groups containing connection details and query intervals for the Smart 3D model that is synchronized to SDx. Before you begin, you must have Administrator permissions for the model and know the following information:

  • Site database server

  • Site database name

  • Model database name

  1. Configure the Intergraph Smart 3D Share Service for startup.

  2. From the Start menu, select Intergraph Smart 3D > Configure Share Service to open the Configure Share Service Dialog.

  3. Create a settings group:

    1. Click New in the Select Settings Group list

    2. On the New Settings Group Dialog, type the name to use, and then click Create. We recommend giving the settings group the same name as the related Smart 3D model.

  4. Use the lists provided to select the Database Type, Site Database Server, Site Database Name, and your Smart 3D Model Name.

  5. Under Application Insights, set the Verbosity and Instrumentation Key for sending analytics and messages to Microsoft® Application Insights, which is a feature of Azure Monitor for monitoring live applications. We recommend using Application Insights for monitoring the Share Service. To set up an Applications Insight resource, see Microsoft Azure Documentation.

    1. Set Verbosity to the detail level or to the type of messages (Information, Warning, Error, or Critical) to monitor and send. Otherwise, set Verbosity to Off to disable the use of Azure.

    2. Copy the Instrumentation Key from the Overview page of an Application Insights resource in your Azure Portal.

  6. Under Local Log File, set the Verbosity and Log File Location of an on-disk log file used for analytics and monitoring of the Intergraph Smart 3D Share Service. The Local Log File setting can be used as an alternate monitor and logging solution if you do not want to use Azure, or it can be used as a backup in case of any connection issues with Application Insights.

    1. Set Verbosity to the detail level or to the type of messages (Information, Warning, Error, or Critical) to monitor and send. Otherwise, set Verbosity to Off to disable monitoring and error logging to a local log file.

    2. Enter the Log File Location. The location must be a writable folder.

  7. Specify the default timing for querying the database for modifications (add and delete interval times).

  8. Save your settings:

    Click Save and Close to save your changes and exit the dialog.

    Click Save, and then repeat steps 2-3 to create a different settings group, such as one for a different Smart 3D site database and model, if needed.

    The software uses all the defined settings groups for the share and synchronization actions.

  • To edit an existing settings group, select the group name in the menu list, and then change the settings as needed. For example, you can select a different model name or change the time interval options.

  • To delete a settings group, select the settings group name in the menu list, and then click X.

  • If the Intergraph Smart 3D Share Service is running at the time your settings group is created, the software should start sharing the corresponding model database to SDx. Service-wide log files are written to the temp folder during startup of the synchronization. After the synchronization starts successfully, the model-specific log files are written to either Application Insights (if enabled) or the defined Log File Location (if enabled) as defined in the Share Service settings.