Check objects for manufacturability - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Hole Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hole Management
Search by Category
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)
  1. Select objects for checking in the model or in the Workspace Explorer.

  2. Click Tools > Check Manufacturability (Tools > Check Holes in Hole Management).

  3. On the ribbon, click Manufacturability Checking Settings .

  4. Specify the rules for the checking process.

  5. On the ribbon, click Check Manufacturability to start the process.

  6. On the ribbon, click Show Manufacturability Inconsistencies .

    A list view displays the objects that were found to have manufacturing problems.

  7. Select one row of the list at a time to view the inconsistency and solution for an object.

  8. Repair the object manually, or click Repair if an Action Tool is available.