Hole Cut and Fitting Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Hole Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hole Management
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Displays the options that you use to create a hole cut and hole fitting in the model.

 Select Hole Trace

Select a hole trace used to define the hole fitting.


Places the hole fitting in the model.


Clears the selected object.


Accepts the selected object.


Select the parent system for hole fitting object. The structural or catalog hole fitting is the child of the hole fitting object.

Fitting type

Select the hole fitting to place with the hole. If By Rule is selected, then this option is disabled.

By rule

Select to allow the software to automatically select the fitting type according to the Fitting Selection Rules in the software.


Select this option to sketch the fitting in the Draft 2D environment. The Sketch option is available only when you select a structural fitting that can be sketched, such as Wall Attached. For more information, see Sketch Options below.

Sketch Options

 Sketching Plane

Specify the sketching plane for the fitting. This is the first step in defining the fitting.

Add Intersecting Item

Select objects in the model that intersect the sketching plane that you want to use as reference geometry. These extra objects appear in the Draft 2D environment.

Add Projection Item RIBBON ICON Add Projection Item

Select objects in the model that do not intersect the sketching plane that you want to use as reference geometry. These extra objects are projected onto the sketching plane and appear in the Draft 2D environment.

Constraint Table Constraint Table

Opens the Constraint Table dialog from which you can modify sketch curve constraint values without going back into the Sketch 2D environment. A sketch curve must have already been defined in Sketch 2D before this option is available.


Displays the constraint type. You cannot edit the type.


Displays the constraint name. You cannot edit the name.


Defines the constraint value. Include the units of measurement when you edit the value: deg, mm, in, and so forth. You cannot edit a value if it is derived by a formula.

Value Type

Displays the value type: angle, radial, linear, and so forth. You cannot edit the value type.


Displays the formula used to derive the constraint value. You cannot edit formulas, nor can you edit values derived by formulas.


Filters which constraints display in the dialog based on the Sketch 2D layer to which they belong. By default, all constraints on all layers display.

 Sketch 2D

Activates the Draft 2D view.

 Coincident Plane

Specifies that you want to sketch on the plane that you select. For more information, see Define a coincident plane.

 Offset from Plane

Specifies a sketching plane that is offset from a plane that you select. If you choose this option, you must define the offset distance. For more information, see Define an offset plane.

 Angle from Plane

Specifies a sketching plane that is at a specified angle from a plane that you select. If you choose this option, you must define an axis of rotation and the angle or slope. For more information, see Define a plane using an angle from another plane.

 Plane by Point & Vector

Specifies the sketching plane using two points to define a vector normal to the sketching plane and a third point to define the sketching plane position along the vector. For more information, see Define a plane using a point and a normal vector.

ByThreePointsi Plane By Three Points

Specifies the sketching plane using three points that you specify in the model. For more information, see Define a plane using three points.

Plane By Vectors Normal

Defines a plane normal to a selected plane, and coincident with a vector between two selected points. For more information, see Define a plane by a normal vector from another plane.

Maintain the relationships of the plane with its definition method ICON Maintain the relationships on the plane with its definition method

Maintains the relationships of the plane to the definition method and the geometry used by the definition method. For example, a plane created with Offset from Plane  maintains the relationship of the selected plane and the Offset value. Otherwise, this option disables the relationships of the plane to allow moving of the plane.


Specify the offset distance for the sketching plane from the selected plane. You can specify the offset dynamically in graphics or by typing the distance. The Offset option is available only when you use the Offset from Plane option.


Specify the angle at which to place the sketching plane relative to the selected plane. You must define the axis of rotation using two points before you can define the angle. The Angle option is available only when you use the Angle from Plane option.


Specifies the offset or angle step.

 Select Vector

Select the vector normal to the sketching plane. This option is available only when you use the Plane by Point & Vector option.

 Define Point

Specify the point along the vector at which to place the sketching plane. This option is available only when you use the Plane by Point & Vector option.

 Define Point 1

Specify the location of the first of three points that defines the sketching plane. This option is available only when you are using the Plane By Three Points option.

 Define Point 2

Specify the location of the second of three points that defines the sketching plane. This option is available only when you are using the Plane By Three Points option.

 Define Point 3

Specify the location of the third of three points that defines the sketching plane. This option is available only when you are using the Plane By Three Points option.

Select Plane

Select the plane to which your sketching plane is to be normal. This option is available only when you are using the Plane By Vectors Normal option.

Select First Point

Specify the location of the first vector point. Your sketching plane is parallel to this vector. This option is available only when you are using the Plane By Vectors Normal option.

Select Second Point

Specify the location of the second vector point. Your sketching plane is parallel to this vector. This option is available only when you are using the Plane By Vectors Normal option.