Part Selection Rules - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hangers and Supports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

The part selection rule automatically returns an appropriate part based on the input selection criteria. For example, when you place a design support on a 6 inch pipe and trigger the Add Part command to select a Pipe Clamp from the main node of the part class, the software uses the Part Selection Rule to find an appropriate pipe clamp that can be placed on a 6 inch pipe.

To create a new part selection rule in .NET:

  • use the SupportPartSelectionRule base class

  • the class that you use must inherit from SupportPartSelectionRule

To create a new Part Selection Rule in Microsoft Visual Basic, implement IJHgrPartSelectionRule.


The SelectedPartFromPartClass method of the SupportPartSelectionRule class decides on a part to return based on the input selection. The following method returns a part based on the input selection.

public override Part SelectedPartFromPartClass(string sPartClass)

{ return selectedPart; }

The following code sample illustrates implementation of SelectedPartFromPartClass method:


// This Rule returns the first part found whose pipe size is equal.

// to the input pipe size.


public class PartByPipeSizeEqual : SupportPartSelectionRule


public override Part SelectedPartFromPartClass(string sPartClass)


Part selectedPart = null;

PipeObjectInfo pipe =


// Method SupportPartBySize(), takes PartClass name as

// input and compares

// the system defined attributes like NominalDiameter

// with the Operator type

// mentioned in next input like NDFrom_EQUAL.

// The returned type is Part

selectedPart= SupportPartBySize(sPartClass, pipe.NominalDiameter, NDComparisonOperatorType.NDFrom_EQUAL);

return selectedPart;

