Generic Interoperability (SMDGenericContentInterOp) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Acts as a wrapper module that forwards the content module call to a module written in .NET. In the following .xml example, the MfgSketchContent content module creates the content.

Usage in Label Template XML

<contentModule value="SMDGenericContentInterOp"/>
<Assembly value="MfgSketchContent" />
<symbol representation="" scale="0.001">
<label name="ANGLE_A">
<![CDATA[ StrMfg Sketch Bevel Symbol_Angle Label ]]>
<value type="xpath">
<![CDATA[ descendant-or-self::SMS_BEVEL/@ANGLE_A ]]>
<parameter name="ANGLE_A">
<value type="xpath">
<![CDATA[ descendant-or-self::SMS_BEVEL/@ANGLE_A ]]>


Assembly value

Specifies the name of the content module to use.

  • The SMDGenericContentInterOp content module is only used in delivered label templates for manufacturing sketch drawings. For more information, see Manufacturing Sketch (MfgSketchContent).

  • SMDGenericContentInterOp is a wrapper content module that must be used with .NET content modules.

  • For customized annotation modules created by .NET and used in Drawings by Rule, you must modify Assembly values in the XML file. For more information, see the sub-steps under Custom Annotation Modules in SP3D/SM3D Drw Annotation Modules.