Maximum Witness Length (maxWitnessLength) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version

Controls the length of witness lines so that you can determine how far across the drawing the line is drawn. Points that fall outside the maximum witness length are eliminated from consideration.

The following example contains a horizontal dimension group. The maximum witness length extends downward from the dimension point that has the highest Y value on the drawing sheet. The objects that fall outside the defined maximum witness length are excluded from the dimension group.

1 - Object within maximum witness length range
2 - Dimension
3 - Object outside maximum witness length range
4 - Maximum witness length range

The next example contains a vertical dimension group with horizontal witness lines. Here, the maximum witness length extends leftward from the dimension point with the highest X value on the drawing sheet. Points outside of that value are excluded from the dimension group.

1 - Object outside maximum witness length range
2 - Object inside maximum witness length range
3 - Dimension
4 - Maximum witness length range

To specify the maximum witness line length, type a decimal value in the text box.

  • The software interprets the value that you type as paper space units and not model space units.

  • To manually edit the .xml file, specify a decimal value. Enclose this value within the following .xml tags.
