DEFAULT - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version

Allows you to specify a default display value for a new or existing property. The Rule Manager uses a default value whenever the property does not exist in the template file. For a property that uses a text box as the editing option, you can omit the default value. As an example, see the delivered dimLayer property for dimensions.

Schema property default values are the same as code property default values. The modules use these code default values during a drawing update in case the properties do not appear in the .xml template.

In the case of check box and drop-down options, DEFAULT exists as a child node under the POPULATE node.


As a child of POPULATE, the value for DEFAULT always reflects the value of one of the NAME attributes of a VALUE node. In the example above, DEFAULT takes the NAME attribute, False, and not the value 0.

In the case of text boxes, DEFAULT exists as a child node under the RANGE node.


See Also

Label Rule Manager
Appendix: Annotation Rule Manager Customization
XML Structure for Property and Property Group Definitions