Bad StructPortSelector permission group - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Database Integrity Administration

Intergraph Smart 3D
Database Integrity
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)


Bad StructPortSelector permission group.



Detailed Description

The StructPortSelector is in an invalid permission group.

The StructPortSelector is not a first class business object, but it is used by structure business objects in order to expose ports.

This object actually makes the link between a port and its source geometry. As opposed to ports, StructPortSelectors are placed in a permission group.

The problem related to this DB integrity error is that the StructPortSelector is in a permission group that is different from the business object permission group.

Possible Cause

This error appears because in some cases the StructPortSelector is created dynamically and placed by default in the current permission group.

Possible Impacts

Related business objects that expose ports may not be able to be deleted.

What You Should Do

  1. Open the model.

  2. Run the Clean Database custom command in order to delete the object properly.