Create a filter for a grid system - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Compartmentation

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

This procedure describes how to create a filter to restrict selection to one grid coordinate system when multiple coordinate systems exist in the model. You can follow this procedure when using the Compartmentation commands Create Multiple Volumes Command , Tools > Create Compartments Automatically Command, and Create Volume by Faces Command .

  1. Click Tools > Select by Filter.

  2. On the Select Filter dialog, click New Filter .

  3. On the New Filter Properties dialog, select a grid system on the System. Select Include nested objects and click OK.

    See Select Filter Dialog in the Common Help.

  4. Start the command that you want (Create Multiple Volumes Command , Tools > Create Compartments Automatically Command, or Create Volume by Faces Command ).

  5. In the Plate Filter box on the ribbon, select More.

  6. On the Select Filter dialog, click the grid system filter that you just defined.

An alternative method is to redefine the workspace temporarily to only contain the one grid system needed (if more than one grid system exists in the model). Then, you can start the command you want, and select Grid Planes in the Plate Filter box on the ribbon.