Naming Rules - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Compartmentation Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version

The software provides several options for naming various types of compartmentation objects that you can place in the model. In addition to the delivered sample naming rules that are described below, you can create your own naming rules.

Part Description Rule

Names the object using the format:

[part description]-[global workshare location ID]-[index number]

The part description is the description from the SM3D reference data catalog for the selected object. The global workshare location ID is the number assigned in the Project Management task; and the index number is the object placement count. For example, the name Wing tank-1-0001 represents the first object placed in the model at location 1.

Frame Rule

Names the objected based on the existing frame system within the site area. From the frame system, the software checks the existing frame which is closest to the compartment surface.

Space Rule

Names the object using the format:

[space folder name]-[global workshare location ID]-[index number]

The space folder name is the name of the currently-defined space folder you are using. The global workshare location ID is the number assigned in the Project Management task, and the index number is the object placement count. For example, the name Ship-1-0003 represents the third object placed in the model in the Ship space folder at location 1.

Part Class Rule

Names the object using the format:

[part class name]-[global workshare location ID]-[index number]

The part class name is the class or type from the SM3D reference data catalog containing the selected object. The global workshare location ID is the number assigned in the Project Management task; and the index number is the object placement count. For example, the name ShipZoneClass-1-0001 represents the first Ship Zone class object placed in the model at location 1. Compartmentation contains the Compartments, Interference Zones, Regions, Ship Zone and Void Space classes.

User Defined

Enables you to define the name of the compartment. After selecting this naming rule, type the name in the Name box of the Properties dialog box.