Claim - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

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Claims objects exclusively to the active project.

The Claim command for WBS projects requires that at least one as-built project exists. See WBS Items and Projects.

To claim objects to a project, you must have Write permission to the project. You can, however, modify the objects without having Write permission to the project object. For example, piping designers only need Write permission to the piping features and parts, not to the project.

Certain objects require Write permission to other related objects for modifications, but the related objects are not claimed automatically when you claim the primary object, such as nozzles on equipment. If you try to modify the relationship between the objects, the software displays a permission error stating that you have not claimed both objects.

In other cases, the software automatically claims objects that are related to the object that you are claiming. For example, control points are claimed when you claim the parent object, such as a piece of equipment. This behavior goes both ways. If you claim the equipment, the associated control points are also claimed. Other examples are supports/support components, member systems/member parts, member systems/frame connections, slabs/openings, and slabs/slab assembly connections.

To reassign a claim, use Project > Release Claim. This command moves the claimed objects back to as-built for a WBS project, as well as releasing any relationships to other projects. Another project can then claim the object with the Claim command.

  • When selecting objects to claim, make sure that you select only the objects that you want to claim. For example, when you "fence select" a pump, you might accidentally select more than the pump object. You select the nozzles associated with the pump. You can also select the foundation under the pump, even though the foundation is not nested under the pump in the Workspace Explorer.

  • Exclusive claim means that the active project is the only project that can modify the claimed object.

  • If errors occur when using the Claim command, refer to the Troubleshooting Reference Help or additional information.

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