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Smart 3D interference detection runs in the background to identify and resolve interferences as they are created. Interference between two objects is detected when their geometry intersects. Design objects can have multiple geometries, called aspects, which represent different geometric characteristics of the objects, such as the physical shape, insulation, maintenance, and operational spaces. You can configure the Interference Checking process to detect interferences between the different types of geometry. You can also configure the amount of clearance required between the physical aspects of the different object types. The interference checking process can also check for interference with the geometry from a referenced PDS project and referenced MicroStation files.

When an interference is detected, an interference record is created. The Type of the record indicates the severity of the interference as defined by your administrator. If several geometric aspects of two objects intersect, only a single interference record indicating the highest severity level between two objects is created. The interference record is automatically removed when you modify the geometry so that there is no interference. You can approve interferences that you do not want to eliminate.

Two types of interference checking processes help you integrate interference detection into your daily design process:

  • Server-based interference checking, also known as Database Detect

  • Interactive interference checking, also known as Local Detect

Server-Based Interference Checking (Database Detect)

Database Detect runs directly on the model database. You can run Database Detect on any computer on which the Database Interference Detection service is installed. After you start the service, Smart 3D automatically checks all existing objects that have not been checked and all new or modified objects for interference.

When an interference record is created, a relationship is established to the graphic objects involved in the interference. Currently, the design objects are edited from a database perspective by this operation, preventing designers from reversing any edit they have previously made to the design objects. Your administrator can set a delay time between when an object is created or edited and when the object is checked for interference. This delay should be longer than the time it typically takes an edited object to be bumped from the Undo buffer list. This time delay on the server checking is why you should not expect an interference you have just recently created to show up immediately as a Database Detected interference.

You can review the configuration and status of the detection by using the Interference Detection Properties dialog box.

In a workshare configuration, Database Detect runs at the host location. The interferences are assigned to permission groups owned by the host and then replicated to the workshare sites. They can be reviewed just like any other data added to the model, and designers with write permissions at the remote locations can edit the status of interference objects.

Interactive Interference Checking (Local Detect)

Local Detect runs only in the current session on your Smart 3D client computer and detects interferences when you create and edit objects. It does not check existing objects. Local Detect provides real-time help in the form of graphical feedback, showing you interferences immediately after placing or editing objects in the model. Hidden objects and objects that are not retrieved to the workspace from the server are not checked.

Local Detect marks any interference that it finds with a cube interference marker in the model. For example, Local Detect has placed a cube interference marker at the intersection of a pipe and the floor, as it found an interference at that location.

Local Detect interference is not persistent. Therefore, if you close and open or refresh your session file, all the local interferences are removed from memory. However, if Database Detect is running on the model, the database detection process will find any local interference in your model and be seen at some future time when you refresh your workspace.

Recommended Workflow for Managing Interferences

Interference detection allows you to integrate interference information into your daily design activities without having to wait for batch checking.

Use Local Detect when you design. This will help you detect and solve problems immediately.

Regularly scan your model for graphic interference markers, and open the Interference List View to inspect the Database Detected interferences related to your area of responsibility. There are several ways the server process can assign interferences to you. For example, the name of the interference can indicate responsibility when it is calculated by a custom name rule. Optionally, the interferences can be assigned to different permission groups by rule. Your administrator can configure these settings.

In addition to your administrator-established method, you can view all interferences related to design objects you have created by defining a workspace that includes only the objects you have created. The Interference List View then shows the interferences that involve your objects. When you select an interference, both objects involved in the interference are highlighted in the model, even if you have not included one of the objects in your workspace definition. The software automatically retrieves the graphics for the other object from the server.

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