Trench Straight Feature Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Civil

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Specifies the parameters that you can modify for a trench straight feature. This ribbon is only available after selecting an existing straight feature.


Opens the Trench Straight Feature Properties Dialog. You use this dialog box to specify properties that you cannot set on the ribbon.

Top Slope

Specifies the slope at the top of the trench. The value of the top slope must not exceed 60 horizontal degrees. You can edit this value only when it is not computed by the software.

Start Inside Left Width

Specifies the inside left width at the start of the feature.

Start Inside Right Width

Specifies the inside right width at the start of the feature.

The left and right widths are not with respect to the trench path. The widths are the distances from the center cross-section cardinal point to the leftmost and rightmost cardinal points. Hence, the software computes the trench widths to any one side of the cardinal point if you use bottom left/right or top left/right cardinal points.

End Inside Left Width

Specifies the inside left width at the end of the feature.

End Inside Right Width

Specifies the inside right width at the end of the feature.

Start Width

Specifies the starting width of the feature.

End Width

Specifies the ending width of the feature.