Creating Penetrations (Slots) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D 2D Symbols

Intergraph Smart 3D
2D Symbols
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Slots are structural details created by a profile penetrating a plate.

In 2D Symbols, slot symbols are referenced entirely from profile cross-section symbols and from the base plate on which the profile is mounted.

Slot symbols delivered with the software consist of three types:

  • Open slots (A slots), which are not connected directly to the profile

  • Connected slots (C slots), which are connected directly to the profile on one side of the web

  • Slit slots (I slots), which are connected directly to the profile on both sides of the web, and also sometimes on top of the flange.

The number and name of the slot types are customizable.

Within the software, slots are smart occurrences and are placed by user-defined rules after the generation of structural parts in the Structural Detailing task.

Because symbols are parametric, one symbol can be used to represent multiple slot sizes. For example, one open slot symbol can be used for the entire AISC class of angles.