Modifying Queue Parameters - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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You can modify the following queue attributes:

  1. queue priority

  2. default job priority

  3. run priority limit

  4. run limit

  5. size limit

  6. description of the queue

  7. access list

  8. shell list/default shell (batch queue only)

  9. destination list (pipe queue only)

You must have manager privileges on the server on which the queue resides to modify the queue.

Using Batch Manager:

  1. Select Queue > Properties to display and modify information about an existing queue.

    Batch Manager displays the Queue Properties Dialog Box.

  2. Modify queue properties as necessary on the tabs.

  3. Click OK.

Using the Command Line:

  1. Start qmgr.

  2. Use the following commands as appropriate:

add/delete destination

Adds/removes destinations for a pipe queue. For more information, see Add destination or Delete destination.

add/delete groups

Adds/removes groups from the access list for the queue. For more information, see Add groups or Delete groups.

add/delete shell name

Adds/removes shell names for a batch queue. For more information, see Add shell-name or Delete shell-name.

add/delete users

Adds/removes users from the access list for the queue. For more information, see Add users or Delete users.

set [no] default batch request priority

Sets or removes the priority used to schedule jobs that do not specify a priority at submission. For more information, see Set default batch request priority or Set no default batch request queue.

set [no] default shell

Sets or removes the default shell, used when jobs submitted to a batch queue do not specify a shell to use at submission. For more information, see Set default shell or Set no default shell.

set destination

Sets a destination for a pipe queue, discarding all previous destinations. For more information, see Set destination.

set nice_value_limit

Sets the limit for specifying the priority of the job when it is run. For more information, see Set nice_value_limit.

set no access

Removes access to the queue from all users. For more information, see Set no_access.

set per-process permfile limit

Sets the maximum total file sizes used by a request. This value is not used under Windows. For more information, see Set per_process permfile_limit.

set priority

Specifies the default scheduling priority of the request. The priority is used for scheduling the order of job execution within the queue. For more information, see Set priority.

set runlimit

Limits the number of jobs that are allowed to run in the queue simultaneously. The default runlimit is 1. For more information, see Set runlimit.

set shell name

Removes any shells from the named queue's list and replaces them with the specified list of shells. For more information, see Set shell_name.

set unrestricted access

Resets the queue to allow all users to access it. For more information, see Set unrestricted_access.

Using the Batch API:

  1. Use the BatchGetQueueInfo to obtain the BATCH_QUEUE_INFO_2 structure for the queue.

  2. Edit the BATCH_QUEUE_INFO_2 structure as desired for the queue.

  3. Use the BatchSetQueueInfo function with the edited structure to set the new queue parameters.