Queue Properties: Shells - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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The Shells tab configures the shells for the batch queue. This dialog provides the following options:

Shell Configuration

Configures shells to be added. This section contains the following options:

  • Name - The short name of the shell.

  • Location - The associated path to the location of the shell.

Shell List

Lists the currently configured shells and paths. Selecting shells from this list places the name and location in the Shell Configuration section. This list also allows you to set a default shell.


Adds the shell that is currently displayed in the Shell Configuration section to the shell list.


Removes a shell from the list. The shell must be selected from the Shell List or listed in the Shell Configuration section.

Remove All

Removes all shells in the shell list.

Set Default

Sets the currently selected shell as the default shell for the queue. The selected value displays in the Default Shell box.

Clear Default

Clears the current default shell setting, and sets the default shell value to none.

Default Shell

Lists the current default shell.