Automatically Correlate New Tool Map Objects with Schema Objects - Integration - Update 44 - Help - Hexagon

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The Schema Editor provides auto-correlation during mapping, which allows users to view a list of the best matches, based on a default algorithm, for mapping between map property definitions, map enumerated lists, and map unit of measure lists and existing objects in the schema. The Auto-map button is available on the Publish and Retrieve tabs on edit dialog boxes for map class definitions, map enumerated list definitions, and map unit of measure definitions.

After you create the map enumerated lists or entries, map unit of measure lists or entries, and map class definitions in the authoring tool, do the following:

  1. In the Desktop Client, set your scope for the applicable plant, and then find the CMF file.

  2. Right-click the CMF file, and then select Edit > Check Out to display the Check Out dialog.

  3. Select OK.

  4. In the New Items window, right-click the new version of the CMF file, and select Launch Schema Editor.

  5. On the Set Active Configurations dialog, select the schema version that you want to view.For more options, select Advanced.

  6. Select OK to set the configuration.

  • The CMF file must be checked in to SmartPlant Foundation before users can publish from an authoring tool.

  • By default, changes to the SmartPlant Schema are written to all versions managed by the CMF file. Although you can choose to write changes to only selected versions, we do not recommend doing so.

    If you choose to view one version of the schema (Specify configurations to display window) but write changes to all versions (Set Configurations for new objects window), an information window appears when you select OK, indicating that you will be prompted with every change to the schema to confirm that you want to write the changes to all versions. Select OK to continue.

  1. In the Schema Editor, synchronize the authoring tool map schema for which you want to define mapping. For more information, see Synchronize Tool Metadata with the Tool Map Schema.

  2. In the Map Environment, expand the Tool node, and then expand the node for the appropriate authoring tool.

  3. Under the authoring tool node in the tree view, expand Loaded Map Schemas and the <Authoring Tool> Tool Schema node to display contents of the authoring tool map schema.

  4. Expand the Map Classes, Map Enumerated Lists, or Map UoM Lists node and double-click the object that you want to automatically correlate with an existing object in the SmartPlant schema.

  5. Click the Publish or Retrieve tab.

  6. In the Unmapped table on the left, select the map properties, map enumerations, or map UoMs that you want the software to automatically correlate and map with existing SmartPlant schema objects, and click Auto-map AutoMapICON.


    If you select multiple enumerations under Unmapped application properties and then click Auto-map, the Auto-Correlate Enumerations dialog box appears. For more information, see Automatically Correlate a Tool Enumerated List with a Schema Enumerated List.

  7. In the Correlate dialog box, review the proposed matches in the SmartPlant schema, and select one to map.


  8. Click Correlate to map the tool schema object to the selected SmartPlant schema object.