Publish a Line List Document Snapshot to the Data Warehouse - Integration - Update 44 - Help - Hexagon

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  • When the line list document is published, SmartPlant Foundation creates a published document in the LLA (Line List Authoring) domain with the same name as the line list document. SmartPlant Foundation loads and consolidates the pipelines into the LLA (Line List Authoring) domain and the CDW domain, respectively. Click Find > Consolidated Data > Pipeline to check that the pipelines were consolidated.

  • If necessary, you can publish multiple LLA documents simultaneously.

  1. Create a line list document for the line list that you want to publish, if you have not created one already. For more information, see Create a Line List Record Document.

  2. Find the line list document and create a snapshot of it, if you have not already created a snapshot. For more information, see Create a Line List Document Snapshot.

  3. Find the line list for which you want to publish a snapshot. To find the line list, click Find > Line List > Line Lists.

  4. Right-click the line list and click Show Line List Record Document to find the line list record for the line list.

  5. Right-click the line list record document, and click Publish on the shortcut menu. For more information, see Publish Documents.

    SHARED Tip The software publishes the XML data file generated by the snapshot and the Excel view file that are attached to the line list record document.

  6. If the Documents revised in projects dialog box appears, click one of the following options:

    • Yes - Continue with the publish process. All the listed documents are published to the plant.

    • No - Publish only the documents that have not been revised into a project.

    • Cancel - Stop the publish process.

    The Documents revised in projects dialog box appears if you are publishing from the plant level in your line list module, that module is configured to use ICC2, and one or more of the selected documents has been revised into a project. The dialog box lists all the documents revised in the project.

  7. Review the information displayed about the selected document or documents, and provide any missing information required.

    • Select a revision scheme in the Publish dialog box. The revision scheme is required for the first publish.

    • When multiple documents are selected, only property values shared by all the selected documents appear in the table.

    • Select a workflow in the Publish dialog box. You can specify a default workflow in Server Manager, or you can create a default workflow. If you do not select a workflow, documents automatically publish to the default workflow.

    • If you are publishing from any authoring tool or from SmartPlant Foundation Test Tool, the Major and Minor revision lists of the selected document or documents appears only if you have not revised the document using SPF Revision or Tool Revision.

    • The Comment box allows you to enter information about the selected publishable documents.

    • All the owning groups available in SmartPlant Foundation are displayed for publishing. For more information about owning groups in integration, see Using owning groups with Publish and Retrieve.

    • A document that has been previously signed off can be re-published into SmartPlant Foundation. You can revise this document and publish it again. For more information on revising documents, see Revisable and Locked Documents.

  8. From the Operations list, choose a publish method.

    Publish method



    Immediately starts the publishing process when you click OK.

    Scheduled publish

    Runs the publish process in batch mode.

  9. Click OK to complete the publishing procedure.

  • The SmartPlant Schema file must be checked into SmartPlant Foundation when you publish. If the publish operation fails, contact your SmartPlant Foundation system administrator to make sure the SmartPlant Schema is checked into SmartPlant Foundation.

  • If the authoring tool in SmartPlant Foundation has been configured to use Intercompany Collaboration 2 (ICC2), the published document will be placed in the same configuration as it was published from. In other words, if the document was in Project 1A in the authoring environment, then the published document will also be placed in Project 1A. If you want to move a document or data that was published into a project to the plant level, you must merge the document or data to the as-built plant in the authoring environment and republish it from there.