Search Operators and Wildcard Characters - PAS ICS Integrity - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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The following table shows the supported operators in full-text searches.

Operator Example


raise OR lower

OR Operators - The use of the OR operator is supported in a search string. The search string raise OR lower searches the database for entries that include forms of the words raise or lower.

raise AND lower

AND Operators - The use of the AND operator is supported in a search string. The search string raise AND lower searches the database for entries that include forms of both words raise and lower. The AND operator is not necessary in this case since the search string raise lower would return the same results.

"test method"

"Phrases" - The use of quotations marks in a search string is supported to search for a phrase. The search string "test method" searches the database for entries that include the exact phrase test method.

<drum level>

Word Proximity - The use of < and > signs around a group of words in a search string searches for words in close proximity to each other. The search string <drum level> searches the database for an entry that contains the word drum in close proximity to the word level.


Exact Word - The use of the + plus sign before a word indicates that the search should not include inflectional forms of the word. The search string +test searches the database for the word test exactly without including the inflectional forms, such as testing and tested.

testing -method

Word Exclusion - The use of the - minus sign before a word indicates that the search should not include a word and all inflectional forms of that word. The search string testing -method searches the database for entries containing inflectional forms of the word test without the word method.


Prefix or Suffix Searches - The use of the * asterisk symbol before or after a word searches the database for words that begin or end with the word specified. The search string sub* searches for words that begin with sub. The search string *meter searches for words that end with meter.


Thesaurus - The use of the ~ tilde symbol before a word indicates that the search should return results of synonyms for the word.

The following table shows the supported wildcard characters in object name searches.

Wildcard Character



An asterisk * represents zero or more characters. The search string *.eb searches for any object names ending in.eb.


A question mark ? represents a single variable character in a search string. The search string 1?1 searches for 3-character object names beginning with 1 and ending with 1, such as 121 or 1h1. The search string 1?1 does not match longer object names, such as 1341 or 12221.