Database creation script files - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Server Manager uses template script files for importing dump files and for creating new sites using new databases. The template script files generate script and batch files for performing database operations against an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database.

You can modify the template script files to add or remove functionality and to hard code values that you use repeatedly. Once a script file is executed, you can then save the file to be used again.

The database scripts (used to create tablespaces, users, logins, and so on) are located in the installation directory under the DatabaseScripts folder. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\SDx\SPFServerManager\DatabaseScripts. When Server Manager generates the script files and batch files, the new files will have the same name as the template file, without the Template_ prefix.

The DBCreation[Date-TimeStamp].log, UpdateFTR[Date-Timestamp].log, UpdateVaults[Date-Timestamp].log, and SiteCreation[Date-Timestamp].log files are located at C:\SDx Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\[SiteName].