Upgrade a site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN SDx Server Manager Help

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Use SDxServerManager.exe with the /upgrade argument to update a site. You must provide information about the new site using several additional arguments:

/sn: - names the site; "server" is appended to the name automatically (required).

/from: - identifies the SDx version of your SDx site database. For example, if you are upgrading from version, enter to upgrade to the latest update 27 version. The format should be xx.xx.xx.xxxx.

SHARED Tip The available /from values are listed in the UpgradeControls.xml file located at: [drive]:\Program Files (x86)\SDx\SDxServerManager. For example, if you are upgrading from:

  • SDx Update 23 - the /from value would be

  • SDxUpdate 24 - the /from value would be

  • SDx Update 26 - the /from value would be

/upgradedataindb: - indicates if the data in the database should be upgraded. The default setting is True.

/backupdb: - backs up the database before the upgrade. The default setting is False.

/dbpath: - identifies the path of the database back up file to which the data is exported. If the path is not defined, by default, it is exported to the backup folder located in the default server files folder. For example, [drive]:\SDx Server Files\Backups. The default server files location is read from the Settings.xml file located at: [drive]:\ProgramData\SDxServerManager.

/upgradecmf: - upgrades the configuration managed file (CMF). The default setting is False.

/cmfpath: - identifies the customized CMF file.

/out: - specifies a path and filename for outputting log information to a JSON file. For example, /out:”d:\test\output.json”

This example upgrades a site called SDx and identifies the version you are upgrading from.

SDxServermanager.exe /upgrade /sn:SDxserver /from:

This example upgrades a site called SDx, identifies the version you are upgrading from, and backs up the database before the upgrade.

SDxServermanager.exe /upgrade /sn:SDxserver /from: /backupdb:true

The backup path default is C:\SDx Server Files\BackUps.

This example upgrades a site called SDx, identifies the version you are upgrading from, and backs up the database before the upgrade to the path of the database back up file to which to export data.

SDxServermanager.exe /upgrade /sn:SDxserver /from: /backupdb:true /dbpath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\backups"

SHARED Tip This example uses the /log: argument to generate a log file that stores results and errors from the operation. Specify a path and file name for the target log file (an extension is not required for the file).

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDxserver /db:Oracle /dsn:SDxSvr1 /u:SDxSvr_data /p:password /log:"C:\SDx Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\SDxcreation"

If the SDxcreation.log argument is not included, a log file is created by default in C:\SDx Server Files\Temp\ServerManager. The ConsoleLog_TimeStamp.txt is included which references the console output results.

This example upgrades a site called SDx, identifies the version you are upgrading from, backs up the database before the upgrade, and upgrades the CMF.

SDxServermanager.exe /upgrade /sn:SDxserver /from: /backupdb:true /upgradecmf:true /cmfpath:"C:\SDx Server Files\EFSchema.cmf"

This example only upgrades the CMF and does not upgrade data in database or back up the database.

SDxServermanager.exe /upgrade /sn:SDxserver /from: /upgradedataindb:false /upgradecmf:true /cmfpath:"C:\SDx Server Files\EFSchema.cmf"