Delete a license manager site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN SDx Server Manager Help

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Use SDxServerManager.exe with the /lmdelete and /sn: and /log: arguments to delete a license manager site from the server. Specify a path and file name for the target log file (an extension is not required for the filename).

The following optional arguments are available:

/forcedelete:[true|false] - deletes the physical directories of the site, as well as log files.

/removedb:[true/false] - deletes the database associated with the site.

/su:[system user] - provides the system user of the database with the administrative privileges to delete the database (required when removedb is set to true).

/sp:[password] - provides the password of the system user of the database with the administrative privileges to delete the database (required when removedb is set to true)

The example below deletes the license site:

SDxServermanager.exe /lmdelete /sn:LM2016 /log:"C:\SDx Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\lmdelete"

This example deletes a license site and remove its database:

SDxServermanager.exe /lmdelete /sn:LM2016 /forcedelete:true /removedb:true /su:systemuser /sp:password