Translate a resource file - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Once you have generated a resource file, in order to create a resource language assembly, you must translate the resource strings values in the resx file into the required language using an editor of your choice. For example, Textpad or Notepad++.

You must not translate the value text/microsoft-resx. This is a standard part of the resx file, and the resx file will not work without it.

The following examples identify the resource strings available to translate in the SDxResources.Resx, SDxServerResources.Resx, and SDxServerDisplayResources.Resx files:

  • This is an example from a client resx file, SDxResources.Resx. The text that can be translated is shown in bold:

    <data name="ClassDef" xml:space="preserve">

    <value>Class Definition</value>

  • This is an example from a server resx file, SDxServerResources.Resx. The text that can be translated is shown in bold:

    <data name="URLType" xml:space="preserve">

    <value>URL Property Type</value>

  • This is an example from a server display resx file, SDxServerDisplayResources.Resx. The text that can be translated is shown in bold:

    <data name="ISPFMethodDef" xml:space="preserve">

    <value>SDx Method Definition</value>


The character entities "&lt;" "&gt;", and "&amp;" are for <, >, and &, respectively. This conversion is done automatically when you generate the resx file because <, >, and & are reserved HTML characters.