SDx 2019 Update 14 New Features - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Release Notes/Bulletin

HxGN SDx Release Bulletin

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Release Notes/Bulletin
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  • The SDx document review matrix can now be created and managed in the Web Client to set up recipient lists for reviews in the QA review workflow. For more information, see Set up the review recipients and Configure SDx document review matrix. (CR-AM-150790, CR-AM-152918, CR-AM-152929, CR-AM-146478, CR-AM-146482, CR-AM-154018, CR-AM-156320, CR-AM-157881)

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    The Document Distribution Matrix functionality is available in the Web Client, which supports cloud-based solutions. You'll no longer need to log into the Desktop Client to perform maintenance.

    Here is what else is new with the matrices:

    • The matrices are displayed in a grid for easier editing.

    • The matrices now support multiple values for Issue Purposes and Security Codes which makes the filters easier to configure and simpler matrices as a result.

    • You can now copy the structure of a matrix (the columns and definitions) or copy the whole content of the matrix to help users create matrices for different contracts based on an existing matrix in the same configuration.

    • You can manage column items on the column set which is related to an instance of Matrix to maintain tailored column set and specific column items for each instance of the Document Distribution Matrices on projects.

  • Two versions of each of the Data Validator mappings are delivered with HxGN SDx, a master Data Validator mapping (MSR) that is supplied for reference only and a copy of the master Data Validator mapping (HEX) that is editable. For more information, see Configure Data Validator mappings. (CR-AM-146967, CR-AM-148687)

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    Two copies of each of the Data Validator mappings are delivered with HxGN SDx, a master Data Validator mapping (MSR) that is supplied for reference only and a copy of the master Data Validator mapping (HEX) that is editable.

    We are now delivering two copies of the mappings to help with the upgrade process and to prevent your mappings from getting overwritten by any future product updates. We deliver a Master (MSR ) copy and an Editable (HEX) copy. Hex mapping is used for all validation jobs. Any updates from the product will reflect on the HEX copy. We suggest you review the new change in the MSR mappings and then decide to add those changes to the working copies.

  • Two versions of the QA Actions Rejection and QA Append Reviewer workflows are now available for use, a master workflow template (MSR) that is supplied for reference only and a copy of the workflow template (HEX) that is editable. For more information, see Configure workflows. For information on the upgrade instructions, see Upgrade the QA Actions Rejection workflow template and Upgrade the QA Append Reviewer workflow template. (CR-AM-157281, CR-AM-157282)

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    Two copies of each of the workflow mappings are delivered with HxGN SDx, a master mapping (MSR) that is supplied for reference only and a copy of the master mapping (HEX) that is editable.

    We are now delivering two copies of the mappings to help with the upgrade process and to prevent your mappings from getting overwritten by any future product updates. We deliver a Master (MSR ) copy and an Editable (HEX) copy. Hex mapping is used for all validation jobs. Any updates from the product will reflect on the HEX copy. We suggest you review the new change in the MSR mappings and then decide to add those changes to the working copies.

  • The Data Capture Drawing Reader Pre-Processor now allows you to set any template group as a default. It will be used by the Data Capture Content discovery task in the Desktop Client and Extract Content in the Web Client to extract data from multiple documents with the drawing files. For more information, see Manage drawing reader pre-processor templates and template groups, Extract data from multiple documents, and Create a new content discovery task. (CR-AM-150704)

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    With this new feature, you can define a default drawing reader pre-processor template and enables the use of pre-processor templates for batch processing of documents using:

    • Extract content (multi-select) in WebClient

    • Content Discovery Task

    This new feature provides now more flexibility for content extraction in the Web Client and allows to use the flexibility of the Drawing-Pre-processor template rules.

    Previously, you couldn't use pre-processor templates when selecting multiple documents with related native files. Extract content on multiple files was possible, but was using standard configuration via Tag-Discovery Patterns and hotspotter configuration.